Chapter 21

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Clari's POV:

Our last day at work has finished and everyone was really exhaused, but happy at the same time. Happy because we will have 3 months break before the season 2's shooting starts.

We had one more day to fix some other issues and then we were free.

----- TIME SKIP -----

It's Friday afternoon and we asked Martin to let us go a little earlier because of Amanda's show and he agreed, but he told us that there will be a cast party on Sunday and everyone will be there.

- ... So I hope you two will come too! - said Martin.

- We'll be there! - me and Diego said at the same time.

- You better because the new cast members will come too! - he added, but for some reason he seemed frustrated, but we didn't have time to think about that as we had to go and get ready for the evening.

- Well, princess... Are you ready? - Diego asked as he peeked into his daughter's room while I was helping her to do her hair.

- We'll be down in a minute! - Amanda replied.

- Alright then, see you downstairs then! - he said the we heard as he went down, leaving us alone again.

- I know why Miranda is so upset... - said Amanda out of nowhere - Because she loves Dad...

- I know... She told me too not so long ago... - I sighed deeply.

Amanda turned around to face me.

- Unfortunately Dad can't love two woman so she has to accept your relationship with him...

- I've been here for almost 2 years and she still didn't accept us...

- Soon she will... Don't worry - she smiled then hugged me tightly. I admit that it felt good and made me relieved.

- Thank you though... - I smiled back - But let's hurry! Your Dad is waiting for us!

And soon we were all downstairs and ready to go.

----- TIME SKIP -----

We arrived to Amanda's school and she went quickly to her friends to get ready for the show and before that she introduced me to one of her teacher whom I soon realized that I know quite well.

His name was Sebastian and he was also my teacher too. Back then I always thought he's a charming man and it was around 8 years ago, but he still looks the same.

As we were talking for a bit we have been complimenting a few times to each other without me even noticing, but after a while Diego wrapped his arms around me and I'm guessing he was a bit jealous.

- Oh! I heard from Amanda that how good relationship you two have - said Sebastian with a smile - I'm quite surprised that you two found each other like this... But you look great!

- Well, thank you - Diego grinned - I'm glad we look good as well and not just feel good together - he added and kissed my cheek.

- Try to keep yourself back until the show finishes and you're home again, okay? - Sebastian joked.

- I'll try - Diego winked and Sebastian left.

As soon as Sebastian left I looked at Diego with a huge grin on my face.

- Why are you grinning all of a sudden? - he asked, confused.

- You were jealous there, weren't you?

- No, I wasn't! - he groaned then he quickly gave in - Just a little bit...

- I knew it - I giggled - You're so adorable when you're jealous...

- A-Am I? - he stuttered.

- Yeah, you are.

- Okay... Now we're better get going before I do something to you that I shouldn't do in here - he said while pulling me closer to him.

- Alright then - I laughed as we headed to the room where the show was about to start.

We sat down and I leaned my head on his shoulder while we were watching the show and when Amanda finally came and started singing I could feel how touched Diego was. He seemed to touched and proud and so was I even though she is not even my daughter.

I got a hold of his hand and squeezed it...

- I always love listening her singing... - he muttered - She reminds me so much of her mother...

I just smiled as he said that. I know he kinda still misses his dead wife and I don't ask him to forget about her at all, but I maybe seemed like a bit sad because Diego turned to me and kissed the top of my head.

I didn't say a word, just smiled as I took a deep breath while we continued watching the show until the end and when it finished we headed home together, but the whole way Amanda was so hyper and was happy that we both liked her singing, but as soon as we arrived home and she went to her room she fel alseep almost right away.

- Well... She had a long night after all... - I giggled as we came out of her room.

- She did her best... She deserves the rest - said Diego, smiling.

- Yeah - I nodded - And we should go to rest too... I will go and take a bath... If you don't mind...

- I don't - he said - If you let me join...

- Hmm... Maybe I will... - I grinned as I turned around to leave, but he pulled me back and kissed me passionately on the lips - Okay... You're in... - I panted after a few minutes of kissing.

- Okay then - he grinned as he followed me to the bathroom....

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