Chapter 9

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Diego's POV:

Clari got so upset when Sandra came and I can't let this happen again! I need to make Sandra leave us alone! But how....?

After the meeting that was about the job which will be a photoshoot on the weekend I went to meet Alfredo at the nearby coffee to talk.

- So Sandra is back, huh? - he sighed after I told him what happened the other day.

- Yeah... And I feel like Clari is hesitating because of this... I don't want her to be upset because of Sandra, but be happy... truly happy.

- I don't think you'll have more serious problem with her. She's also a smart woman and if you say no she'll soon accept it...

- I truly hope you're right - I sighed.

- Don't worry - Alfredo smiled - Or even if I'm wrong all you have to do is to make Clari sure that she's the only one for you and you won't let yourself get fooled!

- Yeah, right - I nodded - Thank you, Alfredo... Your advices mean a lot!

- Oh, please... - he smiled - This is why we're friends for!

----- TIME SKIP -----

When I arrived back home only Mirta was in the living room, cleaning and dancing around in the whole house.

- Ah! You're home, Sir! - she said happily.

- Yeah... Is Clari at home? - I asked.

- Ah yes! She's upstairs!

- Thanks.. - I said as I went upstairs and I found her with Amanda in her room, but I didn't want to interrupt so I just stood at the door and listened.

- Dad really loves you! - said Amanda - Even when we're alone all he can talk about is you!

- Oh r-really? - Clari muttered and I could hear she's embarrassed.

- Yes! I wonder if he even will propose you!

- I-I don't think he will.... But maybe in the future...

- Hmm... Why do you seem upset all of a sudden?

- I'm not upset!

- Yes, you are - Amanda giggled.

- I just... - Clari sighed and continued - I just don't think sometimes that I'm good enough for your dad, you know...

- Why?!

The same question was in my mind too.

- I... don't know...

- He loves you! - Amanda continued - He'd do anything for you!

This was the moment when I sneaked into the room. Amanda saw me, but she was with me so she didn't say anything and let me surprise Clari by wrapping my arms around her gently and kiss her head softly.

- Ah, Jesus! - she jumped - You scared me!

- I'm sorry - I giggled and Amanda was giggling too - I just wanted to join to my favorite girls to talk!

- Well... you maybe can come - Clari grinned.

- Just maybe? - I looked at her, trying to keep my serious face, but I failed.

Clari and Amanda looked at each other, grinned then they looked at me and pulled me into the bed where they were sitting till now.

- Woah! - I gasped then laughed.

- Surprise! - said Amanda.

-Were you surprised? - questioned Clari while trying to hold back her laugh.

- I was! - I laughed then pulled them into me that they both fell on the bed too - Crazy girls!

- But you love us for it! - my daughter laughed.

- Yes, I do - I smiled - My crazy girls!

----- LATER -----

- Anyway... what was your meeting about exactly? - Clari asked when we were in the kitchen.

- Uhm... About a photoshoot this weekend - I replied then a sudden idea came to my mind - Hey, would you like to come with me?

- Uhm...Well, if it's not a big problem...

- Of course it's not - I smiled and she smiled too.

- Then alright!

- And you might can take some photos with me... - I added with a grin.

- Diego! - she groaned, blushing violently.

- Why? We need some photos of us, don't we?

- Well... actually you're kinda right... - she mumbled.

- Then it's decided! - I said excitedly - It will be fun, believe me!

Clari just laughed.

- Why are you laughing? - I asked her cheekily and walked closer to her.

- You sounded like an excited child just now - she replied.

- I can be excited as a child - I said - If I can do something good with those I love!

- Aww... You're too cute sometimes - said Clari as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

- But you love it! And for me this is all that matters - I smiled and kissed her nose - I love you, beautiful... You know that...

- I know and I love you too, silly - she giggled.

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