Chapter 6: Ketsubutsu Academy

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You couldn't contain it anymore; you were just too giddy in excitement. A Pro-Hero, who you dreamt of eating their five-star food, was now in front of you and is about to give you the best food you'll probably taste in years.

"Oh my goodness, its Pro-Hero: Lunch Rush!" you fangirled.

Bits of ice proceeded to stumble out of your mouth as you spoke to Lunch Rush. This caused some students to gasp out loud who saw what happened. Axel looked around the room and back to you with gritted teeth. You were totally in your own little world as you spoke to Lunch Rush.

Lunch Rush noticed the ice coming out of your mouth, but decided to roll with it to not embarrass you in front of everyone. Axel gave you a nervous chuckle and patted your shoulders, "so what would you like to eat (L/n)-san?"

"Oh right! I'd love to try the seafood-udon with tea please!" you replied at Axel.

"And I'll take a chicken teriyaki with milk," Axel ordered.

Lunch Rush gave the two of you a thumbs up and took the money that Axel provided for the meals. You looked over to Axel again, who in return was staring at you.

"What's wrong Axel-san?"

"Aren't you too excited about food?"

You gaped at him as if he said the most ridiculous thing in the world. "Who wouldn't be?! This is Lunch Rush we're talking about!"

As soon as you finished your sentence you quickly covered your mouth. You completely forgot about your quirk's drawbacks. Looking down in front of you, bits of ice were littered on the counter and on the floor. Now that you have grasped the situation at hand, you also noticed the eerie silence that coated the cafeteria. Too scared to look at your surrounding, you impatiently waited with Axel for the food.

"It's alright (L/n)-san" Axel whispered to your ear.

You simply looked at him and gripped your IV Drip pole tighter. 'How could I have let it slipped my mind, this is embarrassing.' You were beginning to feel anxious until a tray of food was placed in front of you.

"Have a great lunch you two!" Lunch Rush smiled.

Axel gave a slight bow to the hero then took the tray and began to walk towards the I-Island Academy table. You simply followed him like a lost puppy while staring intently at the back of his head. Embarrassment slowly took over your face as you heard the whispers circulating around the two of you as you passed the students.

'This is—This is too much!' you screamed internally.

"AH! (L/n)-san!" A shout cut through the air.

You quickly looked to the said voice and saw Suzu waving his right arm. You blinked at him and shot a nervous look. You were about to wave back and then saw the all-too-familiar jet-black hair in front of him. The person then turned their head towards you.

Axel placed the tray onto the table and beckoned you to sit next to Suzu. As you walked closer, your mind slowly transitioned from embarrassment to confusion. You stared at the quiet person with seriousness. He also stared back with an arched brow.

"Spit it out already," he grunted.

Your eyes widened as big as saucers and frantically looked back and forth between your two classmates. Axel became worried and furrowed his brows together, "What's wrong (L/n)-san?"

You pointed at the person and looked at Axel with seriousness. "Who is that?"

Silence once again enclosed the whole cafeteria. The silence was thick and suffocating until a burst of abrupt laughter broke the deafening silence.

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