Chapter 49: More Drawbacks

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Axel, Suzu, and Kai heard a 'thud' and looked back to Bakugou and (Y/n). The three boys screamed in horror at Bakugou for suddenly dropping (Y/n) on the ground like a pile of unwanted books. The three of them let go of their hold with each other and instantaneously ran towards Bakugou to give a piece of their mind. Except when they saw smoke rising up on top of (Y/n)'s head, they all froze midway and felt their shoulders rise up to their ears in fear. The smoke is not thick nor black, but with how they saw (Y/n) stand from the ground, released from Bakugou's hold and literally fuming, the three of them shrunk back.

Tokoyami who finally has the opportunity to pass the I-Island students, ran around them closing in on Dark Shadow who is also staring at (Y/n). Midoriya, Kirishima, Todoroki, and also Kaminari followed Tokoyami wanting to also help out as much as they can.

Everyone in the crowd except the I-Island students did not see the smoke (Y/n) produced. Bakugou and Dark Shadow, however, felt the sudden change in the aura (Y/n) seethed. Despite the unidentified wrath that is about to be unleashed by (Y/n), Kageyasu ran towards (Y/n) without knowing the consequences.

Pure shock adorned on the faces of the boy students from I-Island, even Suzu reached out to his hand and called out to him.

"Stay where you are you moron!"

Tokoyami, Bakugou and the others noticed the slight fear laced in Suzu's voice, making them more cautious of (Y/n).

"Who the hell just runs through the gates of the monster!" Suzu quivered.

Everyone who heard Suzu's phrase might have been odd, but in the I-Island Academy that phrase actually meant 'someone was actually dumb enough to provoke the awakened monster.' The other students watched Kageyasu grabbed (Y/n)'s arms on her sides and shake her back and forth.

"Please tell them! I just wanted to talk to you! Everyone seems to be having a misunderstanding!" Kageyasu begged (Y/n).

(Y/n) remained still, unresponsive. Suzu began freaking out at Kageyasu's boldness while Axel slowly walked towards (Y/n) and Kageyasu's interaction with trembling legs—but Axel was too late. The smoke that was barely opaque from other students, can now see the smokes (Y/n)'s is fuming.

"There it is! She's mad!" Suzu screamed with a crummy voice.

The students in the crowd can now see the grey-ish smoke seething out of (Y/n)'s crown. Kageyasu finally stopped shaking (Y/n) upon seeing some sort of smoke coming out of her head. He let her go but the instant he did her eyes began to glow red hues. Kageyasu now regrets laying one of his fingers on her again.

Yo Shindo, who is among the crowd felt the familiar glare (Y/n) used on him when she first came to the cafeteria. He gulped feeling his heart race beat faster as his mind recited what (Y/n) told him that day.


"My apologies, I should've spoken more clearly," she paused. With a blink, (Y/n)'s eye colour from the left pupil began to illuminate red...With brows furrowed, she introduced herself again.

"I am (L/n) (Y/n), the class president of I-Island Academy's first-year hero class." She leaned forward to Shindo with her eye still radiating its red hues. "Of all people you chose a fight with, I think you've chosen the wrong...


Shindo shuddered again after recalling his memory, his brain couldn't even finish his flashback— his mind won't even let him. From that point on he knew to not tease the I-Island Academy based on that particular look alone. He'd come to a conclusion they are a bunch of people whom you do not want to push their buttons, especially their class president. And that's already proven correct by the unexpected announcements from the auditorium yesterday.

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