Chapter 34: Monday

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Yuuei Academy's gate opened as multiple police cars entered along with a black chauffeur car. It was still early in the morning and few students were in the process of walking early into school. All the students were curious and waited for the people to exit the car since they stopped right in front of UA's main building. The driver of the chauffeur car got out first and proceeded to go to the other side of the car and open the door.

The students who were already inside the building had the first glimpse of who it was and all of them gasped in surprise. Most of them all froze in their spots once the said person fully got out of the vehicle. The driver gave a quick bow to the person and quickly got out of the way.

The doctor of (Y/n) got out of the car with his clipboard in his hands. He proceeded to push back his glasses as he noticed some students gaping at him. He looked back inside the car and brought his hand out. A bandaged hand got a hold of his hand and he slowly brought the other person out of the vehicle. Now all of the students gaped at the other person and completely forgot about the doctor. (Y/n) stood next to the doctor with an emotionless face.

Whispers began to rise among the students as they all began to speculate why (Y/n) was all bandaged up.

"Oh my goodness, what on earth happened to her?"

"So something did happen on Thursday!"

"Is this why we had to go to school on a Saturday?"

(Y/n) looked around, not surprised that everyone was openly whispering around her. Even the doctor scoffed at the students. "Jeez, they act as if we're celebrities!" the doctor tried to joke.

(Y/n) could only shot the doctor a dead-pan look and began to walk inside the main building. "Let's be glad we came here earlier."

The doctor nodded, "I guess since they all had the house arrest on Friday, they went to school on Saturday."

(Y/n) walked unintentionally slow, letting the doctor pass her. She huffed at the doctor in response. "If you ever need a hand, you can always use my arm as support (L/n)."

She shook her head, "I'm fine, it's just my bandages around my legs are restricting my movements."

"No can do, we cannot take off your bandages yet! You've no idea how big the bruises are on your thighs and how purple they are. Even the friction burns still need to be coated in burn medicine to heal fast!"

The doctor kept (Y/n) occupied until they finally arrived at the Faculty Room. By now, the police cars and the chauffeur car exited UA grounds making some of the students walking to school more curious as to what is happening. The students who did saw (Y/n) and the doctor told the people who asked about the police cars.

Kai, who is walking next to Suzu and Axel, overheard the students talking about someone in bandages entering the school. He began to eavesdrop some more noticing that most students were occupied in listening to one person talking about police cars and a doctor.

"Huh, I guess Mondays can be exciting too," Kai comments.

Suzu sighed, "school can be exciting again if (L/n)-san was here."

Axel wrapped his arms around Suzu, "don't worry about her! Even if the video call was cut short on Saturday we managed to find out that she's feeling better now!"

"Yeah, but—"

"but nothing. Stop worrying too much you nerd. We all know how strong one-leg is," Kai intervenes.

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