Chapter 8: Another Dorm-mate!?

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                ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*(*❦ω❦)*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

After a few hours later

Location-Heights Alliance: Class 1-A

Almost everyone was in the first floor preparing for dinner; those who did not play a part in the cooking process chatted by the sofas to catch up after their Hero-Training about the juicy gossips that have been going around the school for the past few days.

"Do you guys think the I-Island Academy students are scary?" asks a curious Ashido.

Hagakure, who was sitting next to Ashido on the couch, replied, "Well, the one with the black hair is scary. He sort of reminds me of Bakugou-kun with the way he threw names at the girl."

Kirishima huffed, "It wasn't very manly of him to be calling the girl such mean names."

"Hmm," hummed Kaminari out loud.

Asui noticed this and looked at Kaminari, "What do you think Kaminari-chan?"

Kaminari threw his arm in the air like he was frustrated, "Ugh. I don't know about you guys but these I-Island students are mysterious. To the point its kinda scary."

"That does explain the rumours that have been spreading in the school about them," Tokoyami joined into the conversation.

Shoji nodded, "Their actions from the cafeteria today also made it look like the rumours are true. Especially the ones with the cyborg arms and the girl."

"I feel bad for the girl, she looked very excited to eat Lunch Rush's food," Sato added.

Just before they could continue their conversation about I-Island Academy, Uraraka called out from the kitchen that dinner was ready. Plates of food lined up at the kitchen counters and some people already took spots from several tables with their dinner. Everyone else grabbed their designated seats and food in the kitchen and began to eat together in the dining room.

Sweet aromas floated on the first floor and everyone focused on eating. It was a momentary quiet moment since everyone was exhausted from the third day of the Hero-Teamwork Project. Today, the teachers had each student go through a quirk test for recording purposes. Everyone except I-island Academy's only female student didn't take part in the quirk assessment test due to her still recovering. This, however, only spiked more interest in the girl due to I-Island Academy's overall performance in the quirk test.

Yaoyoruzu sighed, placing her hands under her chin and thought hard.

"Still want seconds?" Uraraka asks.

Yaoyoruzu shook her head, "I'm good. Its just I am quite curious how strong the girl is from I-Island Academy."

Jiro looked at her and simply nodded, "I agree, the guys from her class showed such hero-like scores. It's crazy."

Bakugou's gaze hardened at his food. Everyone around Jiro's table heard her statement and agreed.

"That's true, they all came pretty close towards Midoriya-kun and Bakugou-kun's distance on the soft-ball throw," Iida joined.

No one noticed, but Midoriya and Bakugou's gaze on their food intensified. Tick marks already appearing on Bakugou's head.

Bakugou couldn't help but react to it. "Tch, not close enough to beat me."

Todoroki glanced at Bakugou, 'Strong... This project showed us that there are more strong people than we thought.'

Midoriya sighed, it was an unpopular opinion but he has noticed why everyone would quickly spread rumours about them. Not only were they prodigies and intimidating, but their control over their quirk was dangerously too good for someone at their age. It was like they already had experience.

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