Chapter 9: The Good/Bad News

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Axel and (Y/n) ate food in the clinic while discussing the things you missed. There is already a workload of academic homework to be finished but you can manage. With a yawn, you looked over at Axel, "aside from the school work, anything else that I've missed? Maybe you can tell me more about the rumours that are circulating us?"

Axel flinched and gave a sigh, "You know how it is, we don't have a friendly-approachable vibe in general, and I guess in the quirk assessment test today everyone who witnessed our abilities firsthand got even more intimidated."

(Y/n) nodded, it is a shame that everyone thinks they're intimidating and not approachable but I guess everyone is sort of used to it by now. Even back in I-Island Academy lots of first-year students in other departments would challenge us for creating the best invention or even quirk battles. "Well, as a class president if you are bothered by any of it I'll personally deal with it myself."

Axel laughed. "No need, we can manage. Its just rambles anyway."

You took your glass of water from the table stand beside your bed and began to drink. 'All this news was making me feel overwhelmed, it probably wouldn't get any worse,' you placed your glass back down again and thought about it for a moment. 'Right?' And just as you jinxed it, a sudden rattle emitted from the door then slid open. It was Professor Blight. You assumed he teleported at the door due to his messy hair and clothes.

"Hello my students! How are you all feeling?"

Axel stood up and bowed to him, and you bowed from your spot.

"Not too bad Professor, I am just catching up with (L/n)-san with the things she missed from the past two days."

"That's great its quite convenient that you two are here."

Axel and (Y/n) looked at each other and gulped. If the professor mentions any sort of good convenience to him it sure might be bad news for you two.

"What is it Professor?" asked Axel.

"Well, I have found a place for you to stay here at UA! How convenient right? We won't be staying far from school and won't be sharing rooms for weeks to come!" Professor beamed.

Axel gaped, and you looked over to him. Now that you think about it where did they stay for the first night? You shuddered as you thought of all the boys having to share one room. Little did you know, that's exactly what happened last night.

"That truly is good news Professor!" exclaimed Axel with fists clenched. "But where will be staying?"

With a finger on his chin, Professor gave a smile, "You all will be staying with the first-year students in the hero-teamwork project!"

It was your turn to gape. "WHAT!?" Both of you screamed right after. Axel was no longer excited and you didn't know what to feel about this. "New people, have to mingle, have to be friendly," you muttered over and over again until your soul came out of your mouth.

"Ah, her soul came out!" Professor laughed.

You got out of your trance and pointed at him, "Why and what was going in your head when you thought this was a good idea!" you whined.

Axel agreed. "Is this because of the incident in the cafeteria today?!"

You gasped and looked at Axel then to Professor. He cleared his throat, "Maybe, but it was mostly because the four of you never really gave a chance to making more friends." He sure was blunt with his reasons, but you couldn't help but agree. It didn't cross your mind to make friends because you were too busy with yourself, and the fact that everyone's first impression of you is bad and that we're distanced to some degree due to our school status. You heaved a sigh, "I'm guessing we're all going to be separated?"

"Yep! I've already planned which class each of you will be staying with." Professor clapped his hands, "You, of course, will stay one more night here, and Axel can keep you company if he'd like but Suzu and Kai have already moved into their dorm rooms!"  Both you and Axel had eyes as wide as saucers, Professor had really outdone himself; he's become way too fast and unpredictable for your liking. "Well, I have to go! Both of you will be moving into your dorms right after the hero-teamwork class tomorrow. Toodles!" he waved then instantly vanished.

You and Axel were still staring at where Professor Blight used to stand with mouths open and eyes wide. Axel shook his head then looked over to you with an awkward smile, "Can I sleep here?"

(' ᴗ`✿)

A/N: Hello my wonderful readers! If you have been following my story, then you might have noticed my consistent updates every two or three days! I will be publishing two chapters today since I've recently got sick so there will be a delay in my updates next week. I will focus on recovering and LEGIT (I cannot emphasize this enough) thank you for even reading this far. You the best! ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ

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