Chapter 45: The Clash of Emotions

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Takaki's heart raced, practically feeling her eardrums thundering inside her head. She clutched to another set of glass shards in between her fingers, but this time it was a bit bigger than normal. She threw it without hesitation and the shards directly hit (Y/n), hitting her right at the chest and sticking out like a sore thumb.

Her face paled, 'p-people usually scream when they are stabbed by a huge glass shard!'

Yet, (Y/n) seemed unfazed by the pain and continued to chat with Takaki normally.

"You're practically telling me to fight with no mercy, right?"

Takaki trembled under (Y/n)'s gaze, unable to break her eye-contact with her. She managed to stand up again with her trembling legs and found her voice to be missing.

Takaki whimpered in terror.

A wind pressure suddenly provoked the ground forcefully closing her eyes to prevent any debris from going into her eyes. But when she opened them again, she met a left eye practically flaming in red. Takaki's body shook in fear as it froze instantly.  Her glazed eyes mirrored the incoming ignited fist that (Y/n) threw her way.

'How did she get in front of me in an instant!? I didn't see her move!? I—I'm going to die!"

She didn't even have time to close her eyes to prevent herself from seeing the fist collide her face, but the yellow-orange fist stopped inches away from her. She felt an immense hot wind pressure blow around her and (Y/n). Her face practically sweating from the scorching fist in front of her.

Her breathing turned ragged and uneven as if she ran a marathon. The moment the fist stopped its pursuit it felt like time itself stopped. Before Takaki could comprehend that (Y/n) had stayed in that position, in an instant her vision blacked out.


You stopped yourself before you can fully punch Takaki on her face. You've practically exhausted your mentality fighting against your desires with your willpower's kindness.

'Dammitdammitdammit! She deserves the hit! But why can't I hit her! Why!?' Your fist is a few centimetres away from her face. It may have looked like you've given mercy to Takaki from an outsider's perspective but your ongoing war within yourself did no justice to your sadistic desires.

'It's okay if I punch her right? She'll be healed by Recovery Girl right!?' But even if your mind did want to punch the living daylights of the girl's face and wreck it, another side of you just wanted to intimidate some students so they can back off with their insults towards I-Island Academy and to your classmates.

With an ignited fist still in front of Takaki, you finally cancelled your quirk returning your fist's normal skin colour. Takaki still stared back at you in fear even though, you've cancelled your quirk. Even though it has only been seconds of fighting back and forth whether or not you should hit your attacker, your fist still moved on its own; as if something else is controlling your movements.

You've retracted your hand away from Takaki's face, but the instant you did it your fist did another swing. This time, however, your right arm swung from your left chest to Takaki's jawline; using your hand's backside to land a hit on her.

You heard a crack from the impact your fist made from Takaki's jaw. It's most likely broken, but that did not faze your emotionless face. Luckily, when she landed with a 'thud' on the road her back was facing the sky. You walked up to her defeated form and simply ripped out the name tag behind her back.

A loud alarm suddenly rang and an announcement echoed around you. You didn't hear it but it was most likely an announcement about the victory of your team. You stared at the name tag seized in your left hand.

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