Chapter 9

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[(y/n)'s POV]

"Why you.. that was quite the scare."

After the Female Titan stopped screaming, we all remained silent for a while due to shock.

"Erwin, it smells." murmured Mike.

Oh no.. could that mean-

"Direction?" Erwin asked.

"Multiple, from every direction. All at once."

Everyone remained frozen in place. Not long after, titans surrounded the area, though, they were all ignoring us.

"Hurry the explosives!" ordered Erwin.

"Erwin, they'll come from the east first. They're getting close!" informed Mike once again.

"Wagon escort squad, intercept them!"

As the squad was getting ready to attack, the titans ignored them as well.

"Captain Levi!" a soldier exclaimed, drawing my attention from all the titans.

What the hell is he doing!

I quickly took down two titans that were approaching him.

"Get away from here now!"

"Watch your tone brat! Look after yourself."

"This is no time for arguing Levi!" I said before landing next to Erwin.

More titans came but it seemed like they were targeting the Female one.

"Titans from every direction!"

"All soldiers engage the enemy! Defend the Female Titan!"

We all acted after Erwin's commands.

"It's no good. There are too many!" I stated.

"All soldiers, retreat!"


And by that, we all stopped.

This is sick. The enemy was prepared to abandon everything. To think they would have themselves devoured by other titans to avoid leaking information..

We fired blue smoke signals, meaning that we're withdrawing. Shortly, we all rode on our horses.

"Erwin, why did you let Levi resupply?" asked Hange.

"The Female Titan was devoured. But did you see the person inside get eaten? I didn't.."

"Don't tell me.." I whispered.


I was shocked. I left the formation, rushing towards where I last saw my squad. Though, I was worried about Levi's squad as well. Assuming that the shifter had a three-dimensional maneuver device equipped or wearing the same uniform as us, the one controlling the Female Titan could..

"(y/n) it's too dangerous!" warned Hange.

"That's why I can't let Levi or our squads out there alone!"

I switched to maneuver-gear and started swinging fastly through the trees. As I was looking around, someone surpassed me in a higher speed. They were wearing their hood so I couldn't see who they were.

"Hey! Come back here!" I ordered but they didn't listen.

Wait. Is it the titan shifter?

I swung faster and faster, but there was still no sight of Levi or our squads. I landed on a branch, trying to think of a plan, when suddenly smokes started coming from a distant area.

Smokes? It must be the Female Titan!

I made my way towards where the smokes were coming from. When I reached closer, I saw Petra with Eren, Oluo and Eld but not Gunther. They were fighting the Female Titan. After more attacks, the titan stopped moving so they headed for a final strike.

That doesn't seem right. Why would it stop moving- Shit!

"Don't attack it it's a trap!" I yelled, moving my body forward so that I reached them in time but I was too late. The titan bit Eld in half and it started chasing after Petra next.

"Guys regroup immediately!" I ordered.

"Petra hurry!" stressed Oluo.

Unfortunately, the titan sped up, stepping on Petra and crashing her against a tree.

I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. Oluo tried to attack it but the titan kicked him.

Landing on a branch, I watched as tears welled up in my eyes. I was too slow. If only I acted sooner, maybe they would all be alive. Or I would end up dead as well. I glanced at Eren, only to see him bite his hand and transform. Screams filled the area before he started fighting with the Female Titan.

I can't. It's so loud. The images won't go away.



He landed next to me. My eyes were still focused on the far ground, so he tried to make me face him by putting his hand on my cheek, only for me to slap it away.

"(y/n) what happened? Are you hurt?" he asked.

"I'm sorry.."

"What are you talking about?"

He then looked down, his eyes landing on the corpses of his fallen comrades. However, he remained silent.

"Come on. We need to help Eren."

As we approached the Female Titan, we saw Mikasa trying to fight it all alone.

"Mikasa what are you doing here?" I asked but got no reply.

"Give Eren back!"

"What? The Female Titan has Eren?" I asked.

"Tsk. That brat."

When Mikasa was about to attack the titan again, Levi stopped her by wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Fall back for now. Maintain this distance. It doesn't appear to be going as fast, so it may be tired." he said.

I'm going to kill whoever is in that titan.

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