Chapter 19

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[ (y/n)'s POV ]

I was exhausted. The place where those two men had taken us was pretty far from the Survey Corps HQ, and I had to carry Levi on my back since he was still unconscious.

You owe me big time my love. I thought.

I fell to my knees like I did multiple times before, resting for some minutes before continuing again. Levi isn't that tall, as everyone knows, we are basically the same height. Or as he likes to mention, when I'm not wearing my combat boots he is taller than me. However, he is pretty muscular and weighs more than I do, so carrying him was a pain in the ass.

The sky was slowly turning dark so nobody was outside. I decided to walk a bit faster because if I didn't, it would take us forever to arrive. I was exhausted and in pain, both physically and mentally, but when I saw the HQ's lights, my heart felt more at ease. I gave up after arriving at the front of the building, I couldn't go any further even if I wanted to. My legs hurt so badly that I couldn't feel them anymore, so I fell to my knees, bringing Levi's body closer to mine.

"Erwin!" I shouted, hoping that he would be awake at this hour.

My heart hurt like hell, but thankfully, I wasn't bleeding anymore.

Please.. someone..

"(y/n)!" I heard Erwin say from afar.

"Erwin, thank God.." I whispered.

He ran closer, only then realizing the state that we were both in. Hange gasped before rushing to us as well.

"What happened?" asked Erwin, helping Hange wrap her arms around Levi's body.

"We got kidnapped."

Erwin picked me up and ordered Hange to take care of Levi.

"How did you manage to escape?"

"I-I killed them..." I whispered.

"It's alright (y/n). You had to do it." he said, his voice calm and soothing.

Erwin was like a brother to me. I've known him for years and I always felt comfortable talking to him.

He took me to the medical room, Hange entering the room as well with two scouts carrying Levi before laying him carefully on a nearby bed. They later on left and it was only me Hange, Erwin and Levi.

"Is he going to be alright?"

"He is. Though, it is going to take some time. He has two broken ribs."

Oh no..

"(y/n) did they hurt you as well?" she asked.

I had covered myself with Levi's jacket so they wouldn't see my ripped shirt.

"(y/n)..?" she asked again.

I couldn't say it. I was too embarrassed. I just brought my hands closer to my chest and lowered my head, soft sobs escaping my lips. Erwin and Hange seemed to understand what had happened though as they both threw eachother a worrying look.

"I'm so sorry.." Hange whispered.

"They didn't take it that far because I killed them but.."

Anger was clear in Erwin's face. Who would blame him? His best friends were attacked. Meanwhile, Hange continued to treat Levi silently.

"I have to go. Hange, take care of the wound on her head." said Erwin, ruffling my hair gently.

As soon as he left, Hange approached me and took a better look at me. She took off my jacket, revealing my ripped shirt. I had some bruises on the left side of my chest, Hange instantly disinfecting them with a soft cotton as if wishing that they could just disappear already.

I caressed her cheek, my eyes meeting hers, assuring her that I was going to be alright. Not long after, I finally fell asleep from the exhaustion. She layed my body next to Levi's and treated us both for the rest of the night.

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