Chapter 15

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[(y/n)'s POV]

"(y/n)? What happened?"

"I thought I saw someone but I guess it's nothing."

I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath, touching the wound on my head only to make myself wince in pain more.

"Goddammit." I murmured.

I made my way to the dinning hall. My mind kept drifting to Annie and the plan that Erwin told us earlier. As soon as I arrived, I looked around but no one was there, so I just walked towards the sink and filled myself a cup of water.

Why is Annie always with Reiner and Berthold though? They have a connection, I'm sure. And if not, I'm sure that they already know that she is a shifter.

Suddenly I heard glass shatter. I quickly put my cup on the sink, clenched my fists, turned around, only to see,

"Reiner? What the hell are you doing?"

"Sorry Cap', didn't mean to scare ya."

"It's pretty late you know." I murmured, approaching him slowly.

"I just came for a cup of water, just like you." he smirked.

I have to admit, Reiner is pretty scary-looking. I'm not scared though. Even if he attacked me right now, I would be able to protect myself.

He walked right pass me, following my gaze until we couldn't look at eachother anymore. He left his cup on the counter and just stayed there, his back facing mine.

"Reiner, can I ask you something?"


"What is your connection with Annie?"

He remained silent for some seconds. Probably thinking of a good, or rather, compelling answer.

"Just a childhood friend."

Childhood friend huh? So she must trust him well enough.

I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. My back was still facing him, but he kept approaching me to the point where he was standing right behind me.

"I respect you, Captain. But for your own good, stop putting your nose where it doesn't belong." he whispered, slightly gripping my shoulder with his hand.

"What are you two doing there?"

Levi? Great.

"Just came for a cup of water Captain. Didn't expect to see Captain (y/n) here as well."

"You're too close." said Levi, his finger pointing at my shoulder.


Reiner took his hand off me before slowly walking away after a quick salute.

Some seconds later, after making sure that we were completely alone, Levi turned his gaze towards me.

"What were you doing? And be honest."



As soon as those words left my mouth, he grabbed me by the wrist and forced me to follow him to his room/office.

"Stop dragging me Levi, I can walk by myself."

He opened the door, pushed me in and then shut it harshly. Coming closer to me, he pinned my hands over my head and put his one knee in between my legs as if preventing me from walking away.

"Stop lying."

"Don't you trust me?"

"I do. But that didn't seem like nothing to me."

I can't tell him. I will put him in danger.

"He just accidentally dropped his cup and it shattered, he scared me so he put his hand on my shoulder to calm me down."

"'For your own good'?"

"Were you eavesdropping?" I asked annoyed.

"I happened to walk in right at that moment."

I became more irritated. I pushed him away and started walking towards the bathroom while taking my clothes off as well.

"Oh so now you're going to take a shower? Stop avoiding me (y/n)." he grunted, clearly annoyed by my attitude.

"I'm tired. I just want to relax for a bit. We'll talk later okay?"


[ Time Skip ]

I got out of the shower, wearing my night gown after drying myself with a towel. Levi wasn't in his room so I checked his office, and as usual, he was sitting on his desk doing paperwork.

"Are you coming?"

"Are you going to keep avoiding my questions?"

"I won't." I sighed.

By that, he stood up from his chair, following me to the said bedroom. I sat on the bed, waiting for him to change, and as soon as he did he stood in front of me, waiting for my answer with his arms crossed.

"I went for a cup of water and then he came to the dinning hall as well. I thought that it was weird for him to be there in that hour but then I decided not to think much of it. I asked him about his relationship with Annie and he replied with a 'just a childhood friend', though it sounded kind of sketchy."


"He told me to stop putting my nose where it doesn't belong for my own good. Doesn't that sound like a threat?"

"It does brat! Why did you ask him?"

"Annie is very close with Reiner and Berthold so I thought that he would know Annie's secret."

"We don't even know that she is a shifter yet."

"I am convinced, Levi. And I will put an end to this."

He just stayed there staring at me.

"You're so weird."

"Wow, thanks."

I layed on my back and rested my hands on my face, covering my eyes after releasing a deep sigh.

"But yet, so brave."


He layed next to me as well, taking my one hand in his so that I looked at him.

"Sometimes however, you act recklessly, putting your life in danger. That's why I get mad." he said in a serious tone.

"I know..."

"You should get some sleep. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow."

"I'm not sleepy. Just tired." I murmured.

"Turn around."


I turned around as asked and rested my head on my arms. He then sat down next to me and slowly lifted my shirt.

"Oh, you're going to give me a massage?"

"That works too."

I giggled, and some minutes later, I finally fell aleep.

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