Chapter 37

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[ Levi's POV ]

It was the next morning and we were all doing our usual work around the HQ. After handing Erwin the paperwork I was assigned to do, I made my way to the dinning hall to make myself a cup of tea.

The said dinning hall was noisier than usual. Eren was arguing with Jean as their friends laughed at their childish behavior. I wasn't surprised though, that those two were the ones making all the commotion. When they started fist fighting however, I decided to step in.

Don't want that brat turning into a titan in the middle of the dinning hall.

I walked over to them and smacked them on the head.

"Stop being so noisy you damn brats! You're also disturbing the other soldiers."

"Captain! How is Captain (y/n) doing?" asked Armin with wide eyes.

"She is fine."

"She actually came and talked to us yesterday, it seemed like she remembered us all within minutes right?" said Eren while facing the others, still rubbing the back of his head.

"Yes! She is amazing!" Sasha exclaimed.

They continued talking about it so I just rolled my eyes at them and left, deciding to skip tea.

Why remember them? It's like these things are happening on purpose.

On my way back to my office, my eyes met with none other than hers. She was walking with Isaac and Ed down the hall, a bunch of soldiers following them from behind as well.

"Salute!" she ordered, them instantly doing so. "Hey!"

"Popular as always I see."

"I hope you haven't forgotten about our little date eh?" she teased.

"Date?" questioned the soldiers. Though, they all turned to stones as soon as she threw them a side glance.

"Don't be late." I simply replied while walking towards the opposite direction.

Why didn't I deny the fact that she called it a date?

I turned around ready to correct myself but she had already disappeared from my sight. I sighed and entered my office.

"Date huh?"

Before I could even sit on my chair, the door opened widely.

"Did I hear that correctly?"

"Shitty glasses? Were you eavesdropping?"

She totally avoided my question as she simply closed the door and proceeded with taking a seat.

"Where are you taking her?"

"None of your business."

"Oh come on now Levi! Tell me!"

"I'm not! Now get out!"

She stood up angrily and started walking towards the door with a pout on her face. However, her expression softened when she rested her hand on the doorknob.

"Make her happy again, shorty."

"You know I will."

[ Time Skip ]

Some hours passed and it was finally time to meet (y/n). As I was waiting for her to come, I straightened down my shirt and ran my fingers through my hair.

Why am I anxious?

"Sorry for taking so long!"

I felt my heartbeat fasten after hearing her voice. She was wearing a white dress, her shoulders exposed as the sleeves fell down her arms, and a brown corset that brought the whole outfit together.

"Are you ready?" she asked, smiling warmly at me.


After arriving at the stables, I asked her to ride with me on my horse, since she didn't know where the place was.

She wrapped her hands around my waist, however, her fingers gripped my shirt as soon as we got out the gates.

"We are going to be safe, don't worry." I assured, feeling her hands loosen their grip instantly.

We remained silent until we arrived. She got off my horse and waited for me to lead her.

"Close your eyes."

I took her by the hand and lead her to the destination safely as promised.

"What is this sound?" she asked as soon as we stopped.

I tapped her shoulder and she looked at me confused. Then, I pointed forward and so her gaze followed my finger, finally seeing the surprise.


She took some steps forward, admiring the scenery with wide eyes. Kneeling down, she touched the cold water, moving her hand around slowly.

"Do you like it?"

She tilted her head to the side and when our eyes met, I noticed that she had tears running down her cheeks.

"It's beautiful." she smiled, the sunset making her appearance look even more angelic.

I wish I could tell you how beautiful you look right now.

"I feel this.. nostalgia." she said, slowly standing up.

"You would always tell me how you wanted to see the ocean. We weren't even sure if it existed anyways." I looked up at the sky. "I remember you talking to me about it when we firstly met each other. We were at the -"

"- rooftop of the HQ late at night."

My eyes widened at her words as I looked at her surprised. She had the same expression on her face.


My legs moved on their own as I felt my heartbeat fasten with each second. She opened her arms so I picked her up, embracing her so tightly as if never wanting to let her go again. We fell to our knees, still holding eachother securely in our arms.

"You remember me?"

"Yes, yes I do!" she said as she stroked my hair.

I cupped her cheeks and smiled, our lips finally meeting not long after. We shared a passionate kiss. A kiss that released all our, once, locked emotions. My hands landed on her waist as she caressed my cheeks with her thumbs lovingly.

"I missed you so much brat." I said as she wiped the tears that managed to escape from my eyes, chuckling at my red-tinted cheeks. "I thought that by pushing you away I would protect you. Instead, I only hurt you more. And right now, I promise that I will always be by your side no matter what. I love you (y/n)."

Her eyes widened at my words, finally allowing the tears that had started to well up fall down her cheeks. She pulled me into a hug, though, this time it felt more warming.

"I love you too. So much." she said, rubbing her face against my chest.

[ (y/n)'s POV ]

I finally remember everything. Our memories. The one I love most.


I missed him. So much. He must've felt so sad because of me. But it is all over now.


We walked around for a bit, talking about everything that had happend the past few months while listening to the ocean's gentle waves. The sky had become darker as the sun was finally starting to set completely.

"We should head back, don't you think? They must be worried and I can't wait to tell them that I'm fully back!"

Instead of replying he picked me up, making me wrap my arms around his shoulders in surprise as I laughed at his sudden action.

"Screw them." he said, kissing me once again.

"This is what matters the most."

[ End ]

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