Chapter 18

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[ (y/n)'s POV ]

Uhh.. my head hurts like hell..

I slowly opened my eyes only to see Levi tied up on a chair right across from me.

"Levi? Are you okay?" I asked, worry filling up my body within seconds.

"(y/n)! Thank God you woke up. Those bastards hit your head way too hard."

"Do you know where we are?"

"I have no idea." he replied, looking around.

I was laying down on the ground with both my hands and legs tied up. Some minutes later, two men came in.

"So you finally woke up."

One of them picked me up and threw me on a chair.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, a scowl forming on my tired face.

"Why would we tell you? Although, mister Ackerman here knows very well." he pointed at Levi.

"I don't know who you are."

"Oh come on now. We were thugs from the undergrounds just like you! Remember when you beat the shit out of us at a pub for trying to steal from you?"

"I've beat up many people in the undergrounds. What makes you think that I would remember two dirty ass scumbags like you two." he scoffed, glancing away in annoyance.

"Now you've done it."

One of the men threw a punch at Levi's face.

"Stop it!" I shouted, but he wouldn't listen.

"You know how long we've been waiting for this? You and that piece of shit uncle of yours made our lives a living hell!"

"I have nothing to do with him."

They both started beating him. One threw punches at his face and the other kicked him on the ribs multiple times.

"Please stop!" I pleaded, tears welling up in my eyes.

And with that, they stopped. They just sat there looking at him while laughing at his vulnerable state. Levi raised his head and spit blood at their faces.

"Keep beating me, I don't give a damn." he grunted.

One of the men whispered to the other's ear and they both nodded at each other, dirty smirks forming on their faces.

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind if we had some fun with this beautiful lady over here huh?"

They approached me, their hands starting to play with my hair.

"Stop fucking touching me." I warned, only to get slapped hard across the face in return.

"Go and keep his head up so that he can see."

One of them walked over to Levi and gripped his hair, forcing him to keep his head up.

"(y/n).." he whispered. It seemed like he was losing conciousness.

The man started licking my cheek while unbuttoning my shirt, my eyes instantly meeting with Levi's. We both knew what was coming.

"Get the fuck away from her!" he shouted.

The man didn't listen. He put his dirty hand inside my shirt and touched my soft skin harshly.

"I've heard many stories about you."

"Stop.." I whispered, tears falling down my eyes as I grit my teeth in complete defeat.

"I've had my eye on you for a long time."

"STOP IT!" Levi screamed, his voice breaking mid sentence.

"This is what you get you filthy Ackerman!"

He got a hold of my chin and gripped it tightly, veins popping on Levi's forehead after all the rage and shouting. I was embarrassed. I couldn't do anything. But then I remembered, I had a small knife hidden inside my boot. Luckily, they didn't tie my hands as tight so I was able to sneakily untie them.

I have to act fastly.

The man kneeled down in front of me.

"No don't do it!" Levi said, pain being clear in his voice.

As soon as the man turned his head back to take a glimpse of Levi's state, I quickly grabbed the knife out of my boot and slit his throat, him falling directly on his face next to my feet.

"No!" the other man shouted.

"You make me sick." I murmured, my voice low and harsh.

I managed to untie my feet so I stood up and slit the other man's throat as well before he could attack me. My hands were trembling. I felt fear, but mostly anger.

I killed them.

I quickly untied Levi only for him to fall right into my arms, exhausted from all the beating and shouting.

"Levi?" I asked.

But he was unconscious.

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