Chapter 14

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[ (y/n)'s POV ]


And so I did, him searching inside the drawers for fresh bandages.

"So.. what did you and Erwin talk about?"

"Nothing important."

"I see."

"Don't worry." he assured, pinching my cheek before kneeling down in front of me.

As he was disinfecting my wounds, I gripped the sides of the small stool I was sitting on from the stinging pain.

"Does it hurt?"

"A little, but it's fine. How are you feeling?"

"How am I supposed to feel?"

Figured he would say something like that.

"Well, from yesterday.."

"The same way as you. Disappointed, angry, sad. I failed to protect my squad and you nearly cracked your head open in front of me."

"Why don't you show me those emotions?"

"I guess after all these years I got used to it."

"It's not healthy you know.. keeping them all locked up inside." I murmured as I moved some loose hair away from his face.



"What?" he scoffed while wrapping new bandages around my lower stomach a bit tighter than before.

"You heard me."

I took a hold of his chin and slowly tilted his head upwards, making him face me. 

"I love you, Levi."

And with that, he put his lips on mine. His hands rested on my waist, his thumbs moving up and down slowly, whereas mine played with his soft hair.

"Me too."

Still not saying it.

I decided not to bring that up since I didn't want to ruin the moment. Some time after, his lips parted from mine. 


"What happened?"

"As much as I want to continue this, Erwin told me that we are going to have a small meeting this afternoon and I need to inform Eren and the others."


"About what?"

"The Female Titan. Apparently one of the brats thinks that she may be a member of the MP."


He slowly stood up, taking my hand and making me stand up as well.

"You know, you don't have to come. Your attendance is important but you can stay at my room and rest. The wound that you have on your head isn't fully healed yet. I will talk to Erwin-"

"I'm fine. Really!"

He looked at me with a serious expression printed on his face.


"Thank you for understanding, Captain Levi." I teased.

"Very funny. Now get dressed. I'm not going to take care of you if you catch a cold."

"We both know that you will."

"Hurry up brat!"

"Yeah yeah."

[ Time Skip ]

"When we pass through Stohess, Eren will act as a decoy, and lead the target into this underground tunnel. If we can get her to the lowest level, given the tunnel's size and structural integrity, even if the target transforms, we can immobilize her. But if she transforms before then, Eren, we will need your help."

"Yes, sir."

We continued talking about that plan for a while, but then things got more interesting.

"As for the target.."

"Yes, our target is a member of the Military Police. It was Armin who arrived to that conclusion. He believes that the target also killed the two captured titans."

"She may be a former trainee from the 104th squad, the same as you." I said while glancing at Armin, Mikasa, Jean and Eren.

"W-Wait a second. The 104th?" asked Eren. 

"We also have some suspicions on who that girl may be but-"



"What?" Eren asked once again while looking at me surprised.

"Annie Leonhart." stated Erwin.

"Annie's the Female Titan?"

"I don't get why you're so shocked Eren. It is blindly obvious." I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"From the start, the Female Titan knew what you looked like. And she reacted to your nickname, 'suicidal bastard'. Which only the 104th squad trainees would know." added Armin.

Suicidal bastard huh? Makes sence.

"And the biggest reason, is I believe that Annie killed the test subjects, Sawney and Bean. Only someone very skilled could have done it. And they'd have used their own MG, which they're accustomed to."

"But they didn't find anything on Annie.."

"Annie brought Marco's MG to the inspection. That's why she managed to avoid getting caught."

"What does Marco have to do with this? Are you sure it was his?"

"Yes I-"

"Hey, kid. We get it. Do you have any other evidence?" asked Levi.


"I think that Annie's face resembles the Female Titan's." said Mikasa bluntly, making me release a silent chuckle.

"What are you talking about? That isn't evidence!"

"So you have no proof, but you'll do it anyway." said Levi.

"You have no proof? Then why do it? What if it isn't her?" asked Eren.

"Then we will know that she is innocent." I stated, crossing my arms.

"You're crazy to think Annie's a Titan."

"Eren. You fought the Female Titan. Didn't its combat style remind you of Annie's? I've seen Annie fight before when I was training the 104th, and I noticed the Female Titan's moves as well. I am already convinced." I said.

"You know Annie is the Female Titan." stated Mikasa.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my head. I quickly stood up and covered my face with my hands.

"(y/n), are you okay?" asked Erwin.

I opened my eyes only to see Levi standing next to me.

"I told you." he murmured.

"I'm fine guys." I assured while slowly walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To the dinning hall, getting myself a glass of water. Sorry, you will have to continue without me."

"Rest (y/n). Levi will inform you about the further discussions."

"Thank you."

As I opened the door, I heard running footsteps and when I looked closely I saw a shadow at the end of the hallway.


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