Chapter 28

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[ (y/n)'s POV ]

As soon as we headed towards the wall, a loud explosion-like sound suddenly shook the whole town, making us jump to random roofs.

"Commander.. T-Titans!" a soldier shouted.

The Armored Titan had managed to damage the wall by breaking through it and making a huge hole that allowed other titans to enter the town as well.

"Everyone! You know what to do." Erwin said as we all nodded.

The assigned elite soldiers were already at the wall. Everyone else focused on the titans that were running around town and attacking citizens.

"Die!" I shouted as I sliced an abnormal's neck.

Not long after, Eren transformed and ran towards Reiner's direction, with Mikasa and the others following as well, whereas I continued killing as many titans as I could. I was slightly out of breath however, so I decided to land on a nearby rooftop since I didn't have any other titans running in my direction. For now, at least.

At least I'm letting out all my anger.

I looked down at my hands and noticed that they were slightly red due to holding the equipment in a rougher way that usual, my eyes then landing on my swollen wrist once more. Sighing, I turned my gaze forward and saw Levi fighting what seemed to be a 7m titan.

"Tsk." I murmured.

I found some cadets struggling with a 10m one so I decided to help them by instantly killing it with a swift move.

"You guys should head that way, there are shorter titans than this one." I suggested.

"Thank you Captain (y/n)!"


Isaac landed next to me, Ed following not long after.

"How are you so far?" I asked.

"Isaac sprained his ankle." Ed teased, pointing at Isaac.

"Can you stop? I didn't manage to land correctly on the titan's head." he pouted.

"You should've seen his face!"

"Guys this is really not the time to make fun of each other!" I argued. "I'm going to check on Eren and the others, be careful!"

"You too!"

I sprinted to where they were, jumping from roof to roof.

"Mikasa, how's it going?"

"Eren's having a hard time!" she worried.

"Do you have the explosives that we gave you?" I asked.

"Yes." they all replied.

"You should wait for the right moment and.. or maybe, force open his jaw for a moment and put the explosives inside his mouth."

"That's actually a good idea, but how are we going to do it?" asked Jean.

Suddenly, Hange stuck one of the explosives on the left side of the Titan's jaw, making it swing open as soon as it exploded.

"Hange!" I exclaimed, a small smile forming on my lips.

"Mikasa! Now!"

After landing inside its mouth, Mikasa quickly threw the explosives down its throat and pulled the string, a huge explosion making Reiner fly out of his titan form from the nape. Hange quickly caught him with the help of some soldiers and soon after, they left.

"Connie, take Sasha into immediate care. The rest of you help us kill the rest of the titans!" I ordered.

Wearing my cloak's hood over my head, I swung around town, searching for people who needed help.

[ Levi's POV ]

I continued killing multiple titans that were coming towards my direction for what felt like forever. My side started to hurt but it didn't stop me from fighting. I was feeling tired, to be honest. Exhausted even. There were no titans coming towards me for the time being so I decided to rest for some seconds.

I wonder how (y/n)'s doing...

Flashbacks from our last encounter crossed my mind. The way I hurt her. I grit my teeth and lowered my head, trying to catch my breath.

Though, I didn't notice what was standing right in front of me. I felt hot air hit my body and as soon as I opened my eyes, they met with the ones of a 20m Titan.

What the-

I quickly stood up and turned myself slightly to the right while lifting my blades up ready to attack, when unexpectedly, I felt my ribs snap.


The pain was unbearable. I fell to my knees and gripped my side but looking up, I saw the Titan's hand come right at me.

This.. this is it...

I closed my eyes, ready to face what was going to happen to me in any second now, when suddenly I felt a hand push me further back. Wincing in pain, I couldn't really see who it was because their face was covered with their hood.

The titan grabbed the person and it pulled them towards its mouth. That soldier managed to slash the inside of the titan's hand with their blades after struggling for a while, though, the grip didn't loosen. It only made the titan scream directly at that person's face, making their hood uncover it. I looked closer and-


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