Chapter 24

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[ (y/n)'s POV ]

What the hell just happened.

Suddenly, the Colosal Titan's hand started moving.

"Everyone jump away from the wall!" shouted Hange.

Bertholdt started destroying the wall after throwing Eren inside his mouth. We were all hanging from the wall, not believing what our eyes just saw.

"All soldiers, prepare to attack!" ordered Hange once again. "We're taking down the Colossal Titan! It's a threat to all of humanity! Swarm the huge bastard!"

We all turned towards the Colossal Titan ready to attack. As I cut his arm, I landed next to his face, my eyes meeting his.

What the..

I felt my whole body shiver.

"Now's our chance! Slice up his neck!"

Before we could reach his nape, hot steam came off his body, blasting us far away from him. We all landed on top of the wall, screams filling the area after a soldier's arm got completely burned.

"Water! Bring water!" yelled another.

"He's trying to disappear again?" I said.

"No, something is different. The last time he vanished instantly, but now he's maintaining his form and emitting heat like a furnance." murmured Armin. "If he keeps protecting himself with steam.." he tried to blast his wires towards the Colossal's body but due to the steam they flew over back to him. "W-What do we do?"

"We can't do anything. We wait." replied Hange. She then ordered some squads to stay put and some to get into position. "It's yet to be seen how long he can keep his body burning, but eventually he has to come out. We wait for that moment to attack. Listen up, forget about capturing them."

"Kill them." I smirked.

"And do not hesitate." added Hange.

Armin watched in shock.

"Armin and squad one follow me. We've got a date with the Armored Titan!"

[ Time Skip ]

After a long and tiring fight, we finally got Eren back right after he transformed, but Reiner and Bertholdt managed to get away unfortunately. They tried to make a huge damage to the wall but luckily, we prevented that from happening. We were all on top of the wall, trying to calm ourselves down.

"Shit.. shit shit shit!!" I shouted, slamming both of my hands on the wall. "They got away! We had one mission! And we failed. I failed."

"(y/n) we did what we could. You did your best as well. You nearly got killed over 3 times!" chuckled Hange, rubbing my back. "At least we got Eren back."

"Tell me something new." I sighed, my eyes falling on Mikasa and Armin who were embracing Eren.

"Are you injured?"

"No, just some scratches here and there."

"Come, we need to report this to Erwin."

After some time we headed to the HQ, informing Erwin about everything that had happened.

"They are going to come back."

"Why would they? We already know their identities." asked Mikasa.

"They want Eren right? Or whatever their sick plan is. They will come back." I sighed, crossing my arms and legs. "I have a bad feeling about this.."

"Hey, let's relax for now." whispered Hange, resting her hand on my shoulder.

"It is possible for them to attack again, we don't know when though. So we need to be prepared for anything." said Erwin. "It's pretty late, you are dismissed."

I stood up and headed towards the dinning hall.

"I'm going for a cup of tea. Would anyone like to come?" I asked, a small smile forming on my lips.

Hange, Armin, Mikasa and an injured Eren all nodded and followed me to the dinning hall. Even Levi decided to join us not long after. The day ended peacefully.

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