Chapter 30

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[ Levi's POV ]

[ Time Skip ]

We managed to kill all the titans that had entered town and capture Reiner as well. Eren closed the wall's hole, preventing other titans from entering. Many soldiers were killed whereas others were badly injured. I was being carried to the HQ, same with the injured ones. (y/n) was already there, Hange had taken her as soon as she saw us. Anxiety had taken over me. The screams, shouting, crying and grieving around town made me wish I couldn't hear anything.

"Captain Levi, we're here."

I opened my eyes again and saw that they had carried me all the way to the medical room. I laid down in bed and waited for someone to put my damn ribs back in place.

"Here already?" Hange entered the room with a saddened smile forming on her lips.

My eyes widened.

"How is she?" I asked, trying to get up.

She rushed towards me and pushed me back down as I winced in pain.

"She is being taken care of, don't worry."

"She is alive?!" I asked with the slightest hope in my voice.

"We are trying our best Levi!" she stressed, tears welling up in her eyes.

We both remained silent for a moment.

"Commander Hange! She is breathing!"

Moblit burst into the room and basically screamed the news to Hange, startling us both. Her face lit up as she hugged him tightly, making the poor guy flinch from the sudden action.

"You! Find someone from the infirmary to take care of Levi! I'm going to see (y/n)."

She.. she is alive. Thank God.

I rested my hands on my head as warm tears ran down my eyes from the relief. I smiled to myself, thinking,

She is something else.

[ Time Skip ]

One week had passed and I was able to walk properly again. I would wince in pain whenever I raised my voice or move too quickly, but it was nothing serious.

Hange visited me once again, not even bothering to knock. I had asked to be transferred to my room due to feeling more comfortable there rather than being surrounded by people all the time in the medical room.

"Hey shorty! How are you feeling today?"

"I told you already, I'm fine!"

She laughed at my sudden outburst, resting my washed clothes on top of my bed.

I'm sure she is asking on purpose.

"Can I visit her?" I murmured.


"What was that about?"

"Nothing. Here, let me help you." she said while stretching out her hands, which I quickly slapped away.

"Tsk. I can manage on my own."

"Yeah yeah."

We walked down the sun lit corridors and finally made it to where she was currently staying. Hange opened the door and there she was. Sleeping peacefully and looking beautiful as always. They had cleaned her blood-stained body and face, replacing her dirty clothes with a white sleeping gown that the sheets covered up to her chest. Bandages were wrapped around her forehead, her right arm was tied up as well whereas her other one was covered in bruises. I assumed that her legs were in a bad shape also.

I moved some baby hair that had fallen on top of her eyes and after that my hand slowly caressed her pale cheek.

"When is she going to wake up?" I asked, my eyes not leaving her sight.

"We.. we don't know."

I drifted my gaze towards Hange who was staring at the floor.

"What do you mean?"

"She is in a coma. We don't know when she is going to wake up, or, if.."

"If? Are you serious!?"

I grabbed Hange by the collar of her shirt, my hands trembling from the irritation.

"Why the hell did I find out this late? One week has passed Hange! I thought that she had waken up, that she was properly eating and being taken care of! And you're now telling me that she is in a fucking coma?" I shouted, eyes filled with anger.

I looked back at (y/n), my heart aching at the sight of her vulnerable body.

"I'm sorry Levi. At least she is alive!"

"Yeah? For how long?"

My breathing quickened. The worst thoughts ran through my mind as I felt the whole room spin around me. I slowly walked towards her direction once again. My hands landed on both of her cheeks and as I leaned in, my forehead rested on hers. The soft breaths that escaped her lips calmed me down in a way, bringing me back to reality.

"I have some work to finish, you can stay here as long as you want." Hange murmured before leaving the room.

I didn't reply. I lowered my head on top of (y/n)'s chest and listened to her heartbeat.

Slowly but surely.

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