Mexicana Ambush Part 22

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He was lifted from the ground, his weapon firing several rounds. He disappeared and his weapon fell to the floor. Everyone took cover. Lex got down, protecting her head. She was shaking. Thomas ran to the weapon and picked it up. Aiming it at the entryway. It was silent. "We have to get out of here!!" Charles yelled. "Yes!!" Holly agreed.

Derrick lit a flare and it revealed another entryway. They all ran for the exit. They continued running until the floor gave way. It moved and adjusted, blocking their exit. Stone fell away and ruble began to fall. The collapse caused a loud rumbling. They all stopped, looked around and started running in an opposite direction. They ran until arrows shot from the walls. Pinning Dr. Kerbow to the wall and killing him. Holly shrieked and hollered. Everyone continued running. More arrows shot from the wall, grazing Reno and Mark. They continued on into a large room. Dark but spacious with high ceilings. There were ledges and grottos. A small stream of water flowed down the wall closest to the exit. They stepped lightly, moving towards another entryway. Lex walked behind them, constantly checking their surroundings.

Lex observed how clean the air seemed in this room. She wondered if they were closer to outside. "Does anyone have any idea where we are?" Charles asked. Everyone shook their heads no. "Is there a map?" Reno asked. "Where are the natives?" Derrick asked. "There is no map, we don't know if we're moving closer to an exit or deeper underground." Lex volunteered. "The natives.....are not here." Holly stated worried. "Were they hit with the arrows?" Charles asked. "My God, I hope not." Mark said solemnly. "Dr. Kerbow is dead..... what is going on?" Holly sobbed. "We don't have time for this, we have to keep moving." Thomas spit.

"Thomas is right. We can't stay here." Derrick agreed. Shots rang out. Thomas was firing at something. "Did any of you see that!!!!!!" Thomas shouted. "IT WAS HUGE, THAT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN HUMAN." Thomas yelled. Holly began to sob. Lex felt herself growing agitated and fearful. Reno, Mark, Derrick and Charles all began arguing amongst each other. They heard more screeching. Everyone stopped talking and they all looked around. "Let's go!" Yelled Thomas. Just then the room shook. Everyone shifted for balance. The walls moved up quickly. Lex was trapped by herself. Mark, Reno, Thomas were all trapped together and Holly was trapped with Derrick.

"Hello!!!!!!!!!!" Holly shouted. "These walls are stone Holly. I'm not sure the others will be able to hear you." Derrick informed her. "HELP!!!!" Yelled Reno pounding on the stone wall.

Lex stood frozen. The cave was filled with dust and fallen debris. She reached in her pack and pulled out a flashlight. She thought of Scar. She felt herself began to cry. "If I die in here, he'll be devastated!" She said lowly. She sat down. Her body was tired and she was starting to shake! She needed a long soak and more sweet fruit. She needed to get out, make it to safety and return to her cabin. She touched her necklace. "Thank God I'm not trapped with Thomas!" She said softly. She looked around. There was no escape and no way out. She took deep breaths through her scarf and waited for the dust to settle. She shined the light in every crevice. No outlet anywhere. She didn't bother calling for help. She could hear the others faintly screaming and shouting. She wouldn't waste her energy or oxygen. She leaned her head back. Sweat poured from her. She continued to sit and tried to remain calm.

Lex reached for a snack and a canteen of water. She was tired. She pulled out a moist towelette and washed her face. The grime she saw on the cloth disgusted her. She began washing her neck. She looked around once again. She couldn't see any openings. She turned off the flash light and proceeded to wash her body. She felt filthy! She peeled her sweaty clothes off and washed her body. She used her misting fan to wet her skin, her vagina was soaked. Horny was an understatement. She couldn't do anything else but she could at least make herself comfortable. She washed her vagina and her bottom. Cleaning herself as thoroughly as she could. As quickly as she could. She instantly felt and smelled better. She brushed her hair up into a high bun, off of her face and neck! She slicked her edges and secured her hair with a few kirby grips. She applied deodorant and chewed a piece of gum. She changed into a clean sports bra, panties, dark grey pants and a black v neck top. She poured medicated powder in her shoes, sprayed them with disinfectant spray and put on a fresh pair of socks. It was the best she could do. She felt much better. She placed her soiled clothes in a Ziploc bag, gathered her items and made ready, just in case she was ever going to get out of here.

2 hours later......

The team heard more screeching. Lex was sitting quietly. She didn't want to exert herself but she needed to be ready. She stood up abruptly. She wanted to pace. She stretched and cracked a few bones. She was tense, she held her necklace and tried to remain calm. Just then the walls began to move. The screeching halted. The walls revealed the other team members. Holly ran to Lex. "Are you ok? My goodness, you were all alone." Holly asked. "Yes, I'm fine." Lex smiled fondly. They all huddled together. "Lex, thank God, you're ok." Thomas said hugging her tightly. Lex stood immobile. She pushed him from her. "I'm fine!" She hissed at him. "Let's move." Derrick commanded.

They walked through the tunnel. Not far ahead looked to be another cave. Just then Mark's hand was severed from his body with something flying extremely fast. Marked yelled and he began firing his weapon sporadically. Everyone ran forward. Thomas grabbed Lex's hand and pulled her past the commotion. Lex ducked down, running low. Marked continued screaming until he was silenced. Lex looked back and Mark was gone.

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