Doth Mine Eyes Deceive Me Part 25

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It was loud and powerful and it split the air. Holly jumped and covered her ears, crying. In walked another Yautja male, after him walked a larger male, he was dominant, tall and heavily decorated. There were skulls, shiny black armor and a queen kainde amedha finger with a long talon claw hanging from a string around his neck. Behind him flowed a long black and red cape. His mask displayed a symbol. The symbol matched the mark upon Lex's face.

Scar saw her and his heart skipped several beats. He stopped, his feet felt like lead. His body trembled. He slowly approached her. Lex stood in shock. She knew him instantly! She was flabbergasted! Her hands started shaking and her throat locked up. She was rooted to the ground. The other three Yautja males stood aside. He walked straight to her and looked down at her. He scented her. His heart constricted and he felt rage. She looked up at Scar and she could barely breathe.

"Get away from her. Get away from us. Get back!.........What the hell are you?" Thomas shouted. Thomas drew his weapon at Scar and placed his hand in front of Lex. Scar looked to Thomas and his vision burned with furious anger. Scar wrapped his hand around the gas block and unjam rod and squeezed. Scar crushed the rifle in his hand. Lex gasped. He ripped the rifle from Thomas's hand, threw it and eviscerated the weapon with his shoulder cannon. Lex ducked her head from the blast. Scar proceeded to lift Thomas high off the ground by his neck; he squeezed, damaging his cricoid cartilage. Lex could hear his neck breaking. She couldn't speak or move. Scar brought Thomas close to his mask and growled. He abruptly threw him far and hard. Thomas hit the wall and slammed to the ground in a bloody heap.

Scar turned back to Lex, his hair falling over his shoulders. He barked and trilled a command to Nelkir, Fuldex and Wikker without breaking his vision of Lex. The three Yautja males gathered Reno, Derrick, Thomas and Holly. Holly screamed when they approached her and Derrick tried to intervene as Holly cowered. Lex shouted, "NO, please don't hurt her!!" She looked to Scar, he clicked a command and Fuldex halted. Holly looked up and she sobbed. Lex approached her. "Please Holly, they won't hurt you." Lex spoke to her calmly. Scar spoke another command and Fuldex stood aside. Holly looked confused and fearful. Lex walked Holly to Derrick. Scar growled and clicked repeatedly. He sounded enraged, even to Lex's ears. Lex walked back to Scar. Scar trilled and chittered long. The Yautja males exited the cavern with Reno, Derrick, Holly and Thomas who was barely breathing. Scar wanted him alive. Scar wanted to maim and mutilate Thomas viciously. He would kill him forcefully and painfully. He wanted to enjoy it and he wanted a trophy!

Scar turned to Lex. She peered up at him. She was scared, excited, elated, turned on and worried! Scar approached her but she initially backed up. Scar continued walking towards her. She stopped and he walked and stood in front of her closely. He reached down and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around him and hugged him. He trilled softly. He rubbed her back and hugged her tightly to him. She pulled from him, "take this off, please!!!" She asked impatiently, trying to take his mask off. He reached up and removed his mask. Releasing it from both sides of his face. He pulled it down and her eyes filled with tears. "Please do not cry." He whispered to her. "I've missed you!" She shared quietly. He nodded yes.

He could barely speak! She rubbed his neck and his chest. "I need you so badly. Give me kisses!" She moaned. He felt it go straight to his cock. He squeezed her. She kissed his mandibles and he trilled softly closing his eyes. She tried to pry them open. He opened his mandibles and he pulled her face to his. She kissed him deeply. Sucking his tongue. He rubbed her and squeezed her bottom while pulling her cunt towards him. She moaned into his mouth. She grabbed his hair and he pulled back whining. He pulled her to him and dipped his tongue deeper into her mouth. She moaned and writhed against him. She rolled her tongue over his, tasting his mouth, she ran her fingers through his tendrils while rubbing herself against him. His tendrils were growing hotter. She was in need. He kissed her passionately. Licking her lips and tasting her mouth. They broke for air and held one another.

Lex pulled back panting and looked at him. "What are you doing here? It is not safe. You must leave!" Scar told her. He sounded frantic. "I'm here leading an expedition." Lex told him. She paused.

"What are you doing here?" She asked nervously.

"This is a Chiva! I am here on a separate mission. However, I was informed that there were oomans here, lost in the pyramid, there were males who were armed and two unarmed females. The young unblooded males informed me that they would start taking trophies of oomans that were armed and posed a threat. I came to confirm and that is when I heard your voice and I saw you." Scar explained.

Lex was alarmed. He lowered her to the ground. "There are kainde amedha here, roaming around!!????? Those black serpents are here, you're hunting them!?" She asked petrified. "YES, Lex it is not safe here." He told her. "You have to go back." He clicked. "We can't, the passage is blocked, there was a cave in and a wall appeared and blocked it off." She stated.

Scar looked displeased. He reached down and hugged her to him. "We must leave." He told her. He grabbed her and pulled her towards the exit.

"Wait, my pack. My things." Lex stopped and ran back for her belongings. She turned to leave. She looked down at Charles. She stopped; she kneeled down and closed his eyes.

Scar walked to her, he grabbed her hand and guided her into the passageway. It was dark. Lex could barely see. "Where did they all go?" Lex asked. "100ft ahead." Scar answered. She nodded. He squeezed her hand.

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