Entrapment Part 27

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They walked back to the others. Scar clicked and trilled. He pulled up a schematic of the pyramid. Lex was fascinated by the 3d display. They weren't too far from an exit from what she could see.

Scar led the way. With Lex behind him. The team in the middle and the newly blooded behind, primed to attack. Everyone had weapons drawn. They walked on. Thomas tried to speak. "Shhhhhhhhh." Holly insisted. Thomas was angry. He was sore beyond words, miserable and could barely breathe.

Scar targeted a kainde amedha and blasted. Lex ducked behind him. Trying to avoid the bright light and booming sound. She held onto him from behind and continued to walk. Scar held her hand behind him. Thomas and Derrick noticed their closeness. Scar scanned in front and to the sides. The newly blooded scanned above and behind. They walked on until they entered an open cavern. There was water. Scar stood guard. The teamed ran to drink, fill their bottles and canteens. Lex looked to Scar. He motioned for her to drink. She filled her canteen and refilled the bottle she used to bathe. She refilled her misting fan and an empty bottle she would give to Scar. Nelkir filled all of their receptacles and multiple vatje flasks. Wikker was on alert. Fuldex watched the ceiling and ledges. "Lex, I really have to urinate." Holly whispered. "Oh....ok. We should all relieve ourselves. It looks like a long walk but they are leading us in the right direction." Lex told her. She put her hand on Holly's shoulder.

Lex walked to Scar. She whispered to him, "Holly needs to relieve herself." Scar nodded once. He pulled up the schematics and found a small cavern a few yards up. He clicked and trilled. Everyone fell in line. Lex looked back to Holly and shook her head.

They walked for a few more feet. Scar scanned the cavern. He didn't detect any movement. He adjusted his plasmacaster to a lower power and blasted into the cavern to illuminate it for Lex to see. There were no creatures. He motioned for Lex and Holly to enter. He moved a bit away for privacy. They both found a corner and relieved themselves. Lex was soaking wet, horny couldn't describe how she felt. Lex offered Holly hand sanitizer and sprayed the cavern. Holly giggled. They exited and the men went in. They relieved themselves and the Yautja males went one by one. Three standing guard at all times. "The big one seems protective of you." Holly observed. Lex could barely contain her smile. "They don't harm women......I believe. Especially unarmed women. I'm just glad they're leading us to safety!" Lex tried to deflect. "What the hell are those black creatures?" Holly asked. "I don't completely understand what they are or how they got here. I'm baffled as well." Lex answered. Scar trilled and clicked. The other Yautja males motioned for everyone to walk. Scar looked at Lex. "Stay close." Lex told Holly. Lex walked forward moving behind Scar. They all walked for over an hour. The team was fatigued. Lex felt surprisingly ok. Her legs were stiff but she felt fine. The Yautja seemed to never tire.

Everyone continued through the passageways and into a large rectangular chamber. It was cool in here. Lex wondered if night had fallen outside. Lex began to shiver a bit. The ground began to shake and walls rose from the floor cutting Lex and Scar off from the group. Lex began to freak out, placing her hand against the stone closing in on them. She had to remain calm. Scar moved her behind him. The stone slid shut and there was silence. He scanned the space. The air was fresher. They weren't too far from an exit. He didn't see any signs of the black serpents.

Holly pounded on the stone, yelling and calling for help. Lex could barely hear her. Derrick lit a flare then a small emergency light. The Yautja growled and Holly stopped. The team stood staring at the three blooded males. "Please.......don't hurt us." Holly pleaded. Scar had given them specific instructions to not harm the ooman female or males. They were given permission and encouraged to kill Thomas if he threatened them. Scar hoped Thomas would. He didn't want Lex to watch him kill Thomas but he desperately wanted to and he wanted his spine or both hands.

The team sat to one side and the Yautja sat to the other sharpening their weapons, cleaning their trophies and checking supplies. Holly offered them all light snacks. The Yautja males refused. They had their own rations.

The Yautja males began to skin their human trophies. Holly turned her head in disgust and horror. Derrick was shocked to say the least. Thomas was angry but defenseless. He looked away as well. The Yautja went about preserving their kainde amedha kills. They marveled at Dr. Kerbow's teeth which were ripped out one by one. Wikker reluctantly shared a few teeth with Fuldex and Nelkir. They'd branded themselves and their bio-masks.

They were now blooded.

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