Space and Commitments Part 58

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Lex woke a few hours later. She was facing Scar. He was asleep and she was wrapped in his arms. She peered up at his closed eyes, she stared at his mandibles and the quills that lined the top, the sides of his head and forehead. She studied his differences. She'd grown accustomed to seeing his face, his hands, his webbed feet and his skin. His skin looked reptilian, the colouring and pattern almost identical. His skin was soft but thick. His tendrils were long, extending only on the sides and along the back of his head. The top of his head was bald and there was an indentation down the centre. He was different and definitely unique. It didn't bother her, he only intrigued her. She wondered what he truly thought of her human attributes and features. She reflected on why he had certain features and if she'd changed enough to conceive. He'd introduced his blood into her body so many times that she'd lost count. She pondered.....her thoughts obsessing over her life expectancy. If she had children with him, they wouldn't be able to live safely or peacefully on Earth unless they were isolated. She wished she had a friend who could understand. She had no complaints only deep thoughts.

Their children could always live in space aboard the ship or maybe among the other Yautja on the outpost or on Earth at the cabin. She wondered if the Yautja on the outpost or Yautja Prime would accept their children or her? Would they truly be safe? They would have to explain to their children why they were alone but maybe if they only lived alone, longing for friends wouldn't be a factor. What if their children hunted......What if Scar insisted that their children, particularly male children train to be killers....her thoughts ran in loops. Would this truly bother her!? Her answer leaned towards no. Her life was no longer normal. How could she expect her children to live as such. Their father was an extraordinary being. Why was she having these thoughts now.....

"Alexa....Your thoughts will poison your peace and contentment...and our happiness." Scar spoke softly.... Lex snapped out of her thoughts. She hadn't noticed him open his eyes. "I...I.... I'm only thinking." She answered, speaking lowly while dropping her eyes. "Yes, I know...your breathing alerted me to your seriously impending stress." He divulged clicking while lifting her head to find her eyes. "Of course it did. I'm sorry. I'm fine. How are you feeling?" She asked him quietly. "We are joined. I am well, blissfully euphoric. Come here."

Scar reached for her waist and brought her eye level. She thought of his strength. "Do you have questions?" He asked. Lex stared at him.

"Our children.... They will look different?" "Quite possibly. Does that bother you?" He asked in growing interest.

" just....I would like to know. They will not be able to live on Earth safely." She stated sounding down hearted.

"No, not freely, openly or safely. I am sorry. I have realized it will be an adjustment and it may seem unfair at times." He said softly.

"Will they hunt?" She asked.

"Lex....I would want them to train, as I was trained. I will assess their development and strength but I will not disrupt our balance if you strongly feel against it. Their inherited traits and genes will be a mystery until certain stages of your pregnancy and or their growth, development and maturity." He acknowledged clicking nervously.

"But....... you will protect us and keep us safe? Right....." She asked sounding unsure.

"Alexa! Yes! I will protect you and our children with the last of my life's will and strength." He pulled her to him and grazed her face with his mandibles. She shook her head and hugged him. She latched on to him and held him enduringly.

Scar held her and felt her begin to shake. "Lex..." She trembled. He held her tighter. "Lex..." He tried pulling her back to look into her eyes but he couldn't peel her from his body. She held him fiercely and her tears fell freely. Scar could hear, smell and feel her distress. " are safe." Scar held her and moved from the bed. He entered the lavatory and drew them a bath. He purred trying to calm her. Her warm body made him feel comforted. He wanted her to relax and he needed to put her at ease.

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