Escape From Faux Fantasy Part 15

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Lex vomited again, she was making herself sick. She'd regurgitated any food she consumed. She paced, slept only when she took pills, she ran through the woods. She needed to focus, she needed to train. She couldn't find a moments peace.

Scar....he was her only thought. How could this have happened? Was she so lonely and desperate that she would mate with an alien? Did she really think she was his mate? Was she that isolated? Did she really think he wanted her or would stay with her? He would never return. He would mate with a female Yautja and forget she existed. He would sire offspring! 'Could I give him babies? BABIES!?' Could she conceive with him? They never used protection. Did she trust him so implicitly that she would forgo her health? Would he leave her with a child? Would it look like him? How would she protect a child? She couldn't understand her feelings or logic. Never had she made love the way they did. Never had someone been so gentle with her. Never had someone gone through such extraordinary circumstances to be with her.

She had to stop. They hadn't made love....they fucked. She couldn't confused the two. He wasn't gentle with her. He didn't care for her. If he did, he wouldn't have used her then abandoned her. She was so alone. She couldn't believe any of this. She had no one. Even if she wanted to vent to someone, they would think she was completely mental and have her committed to an insane asylum.

The blooded males were proud! Save one who was in a deep sleep having loss so much blood. They showed each other their trophies. The injured male was placed into a medical pod for surgery and stabilized. He would sleep until they arrived back to the mothership.

Scar flew his ship then paced. He walked non stop. He walked his ship from one end to the next. Finally Elder Shomir accosted him in the corridor. Elder Shomir was a legend. He was highly ranked and decorated. He'd fought in many battles and wars, had earned many trophies and sired many male offspring. He adored his daughters. "You walk in distress. What troubles you?" Scar froze. He had no words. Scar couldn't talk to him. He couldn't talk to anyone. He would have to carry this until he was ready to present his proposal to the council. They would either accept his proposal or he would leave his life as a Yautja.

"Elder Shomir, I am well." Scar bowed. "Walk with me." Elder Shomir motioned to Scar. Elder Shomir walked Scar to the opposite end of the ship. Away from prying ears. "I do not find that to be the truth." Elder Shomir expressed. Scar took a deep breath and clicked nervously. "I can assure you, I am fine." Scar professed. Elder Shomir stopped and approached Scar. Scar regarded him, looking him in his eyes.

"Many males....drop their eyes when I approach. Why? I do not always understand. I mean no Yautja or unarmed sentient life harm. My only violence is in battle. You, you are beyond fear." "Elder Shomir, I offer sincere apologies." Scar bowed. "I have no need for unwarranted apologies. I ask for truth. What troubles you?" He asked. Scar trilled.

"I am dealing with a personal matter. I do not wish to interfere with this mission." Scar told him quietly. "It is your ooman." Elder Shomir observed. It was a statement. An admission, an acknowledgement, not a question. Scar stood in shocked silence. "Elder Shomir, I..." Elder Shomir raised his hand, silencing Scar. "You are brokenhearted, I can sense your pain. You mask it well, to untrained eyes." "I am without words." Scar said sadly.

"You feel you have found your mate." Scars breath hitched. He clicked and trilled. "Yes." Scar confessed. "Yes, I see. When we retrieved you after your Chiva, she looked distraught. She had questions. My ooman tongue was never developed. I looked upon her and I saw devotion and your mark upon her face. I deduced she was more than just a brave ooman who had earned the mark of our clan. I witnessed her fierce spirit. I watched her help you defeat the queen. I saw you mark her. I sensed more than admiration. As you were being boarded on my ship, I walked to her. The mark was there and bold. A claim. I presented her with the combi-stick. Your father's combi-stick." Scar looked surprised. "My father?" "Yes, he defeated many enemies with it. It felt obligatory to present it to her." "I was not aware." Scar responded. "Once we boarded you and ascended, you used your last energy reserve to remove and crush the infant kainde amedha. I knew then you wanted to save yourself to eventually return to her." Scar bowed his head. "Yes." Scar confessed. "You have reunited with her and your departure has caused you both great heartache." Elder Shomir spoke with wisdom. "When we boarded your ship, you smelled of her. Her scent is all over you. Her scent is on this ship as well, strong. The kind of scent produced from your coupling will certainly leave you in distress when the time comes to depart from her."

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