Training and Cunning Part 52

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     Lex ran….she was breathing hard…her lungs felt empty. She couldn't stop. She needed to get far away. Her vision blurred and her heart beat frantically. She couldn't climb a tree. She wouldn’t make the climb in this condition. She was starting to wheeze. She needed to hide but it was impossible! They would be right behind her. She spotted what looked like a cave or narrow crevice. They wouldn't be able to follow her inside. She darted for the opening. It was a cave. She’d never have discovered this if she hadn’t ventured this far. She had to move. She was almost there, when she was caught in a net. She screamed and began trying to free herself. The net lifted her at least 8 feet from the ground.

     That's when Lex heard it. Footsteps. She heard what sounded like knives being sharpened against each other. She was caught. She wouldn't be able to free herself without falling. The footsteps came closer and her heart raced. She cursed her fall about 50 yards back. It cost her much needed time to escape this entrapment. Fire appeared and was thrown at her. She jumped back, swaying in the net. Sparks shot up from the ground. She flinched once again. Blocking her face and eyes.

     Finally, he appeared. Scar…..he stood in front of her taunting her. She was livid. “LET ME DOWN!” She demanded. “NO…” Lex threw a shuriken towards him. He ducked, he couldn't believe her course of action. It returned to her but it couldn't cut through the net. “Ah ah ah….you have upset me!” He taunted her. “I don't give a crap! DOWN! NOW!” He approached her. “Say it!” He commanded her. She huffed at him. “Mercy!” She yelled.  He chuckled. “You jerk!” She said angrily. He approached the net and tilted his head.

     Scar reached for the net and opened the side of it. Balancing her with his palm. “You cheated!” She said annoyed. “Yes, you did well. Even this capture was done well. Your opponent(s) will not expect you to throw a shuriken, nearly decapitating them. You have proven to me that you are agile and will think quickly to free yourself after disarming your enemy! I am quite pleased.” Lex finally smiled. “You are?” “Yes! You are a warrior. It makes me proud.” She smiled brightly. Still cramped in the net. “I love you.” He told her. She reached for his neck and hugged him. He pulled her from the net. “This lesson was a success.” He said joyously. “I'm glad.” Lex added.  “Let us head back, to the ship.”

     Lex watched him unhook the net. When he turned around, she kicked him in the chest! “Jerk!” She laughed running off. He started after her but she threw a fire bomb at his feet, halting his steps completely. Lex ran at the speed of light. Zig zagging and running in circles to confuse him. Scar was taken with her, completely. She never ceased to amaze him. She ran for the cabin. She ran and hid in an old iron tub that had been heating due to her scheming. The tub warmed and concealed her from the cold. His vision wouldn't see through it. He couldn't track her footprints. She was clever. He approached the cabin. He scanned the area and didn't see her. He scanned the forest and didn't see her there. He was truly stumped. Lex remained perfectly still.

     He walked back towards the forest. Just then, she sat up and threw another fire bomb towards him, then another. He jumped and spun around to locate her. He didn't see her. She moved her foot to create a soft noise. Scar located her. The warm tub concealed her heat signature but it couldn't conceal her frantically beating heart. He would have to teach her how to slow her breathing and steady her heart, even during intense physical exertion. He approached the tub and she heard him. She couldn’t help but giggle. When he was exactly 10 feet from her, a bell chimed and she pulled a heavy cord. Effectively catching him in a net. Scar was shocked beyond words! He clicked, trilled, chittered, snarled and roared his absolute dismay! He couldn’t believe it. Lex jumped from the tub and snapped a Polaroid!!! Scar growled at her and Lex burst into laughter. She was overcome with hysterics!!! She fell to the ground laughing. Her laugh was infectious! Scar, even in his utter frustration couldn’t help but laugh.

    Lex finally pulled herself together only to burst into another fit of laughter. She walked towards him. He swayed in the net and she kept giggling. “Hi Honey! How’s it hanging?” She asked him. He chuckled. “I will be needing a picture of this for our grandchildren.” She stood next to the net with his face close in the shot. “Smile!!!” She said loudly. He growled…. She cracked up once again. She shook the picture, it was starting to develop. “Hi!” She said cheerfully.

“Lex……….you are mine! It will be brutal!” “Oh Dear….. I'm sure it will be!” She smiled. “I can free myself now, I am choosing not to.” “Right……..” She shook her head. “Say the magic word!” He snarled at her. “Say it!” She shouted. “Mercy…..” He said, he clicked and rolled his eyes. She moved to release him. Just then he extended one of his switchblades. He erupted from the net and landed on his feet. Lex gasped and screamed. She paused…..assessing if she should run. She backed up and started to bolt. Scar retracted the blade, ran after her and caught her. Lifting her in the air, she clung to her camera. He roared, “MINE!!!” He pulled her down and lowered her to the ground. She giggled, gasping for air. He pinned her underneath him and removed his mask. She stared up into his eyes. “I love you.” She told him. “I love you, very much.” He told her, leaning down to cradle her in his arms. “You like the sweater?” She asked, touching the soft material. “Yes. It is my favourite item, after my wedding band.” She smiled.

     Lex played with her aquatic organism that she’d named Snowflake. She fed it almost everyday. It was spoiled as well, wanting her to pet it or sometimes hold it all together. It would pout when she tried to leave. She rubbed it until it fell asleep and sometimes talked to it. She would show Snowflake different items or pictures and it would look on as if he understood. It was very attentive. “Lex….” “Hi Baby.” She responded while turning to look at him. She smiled. “All done?” She asked. “No, will you please accompany me to the central command centre?” Lex turned and met his eyes. Seriousness was written all across his face. She dried her hands and quietly walked to him. He took her hand. “Are we leaving?” “Soon.” Lex didn't speak again. She was growing nervous.

“I need to show you something.” He told her. “Ok” was all she could manage. They walked into the command centre and Scar led her to a console and began to speak to her. “Lex, I love you. I do not ever want to see you hurt. Not by me or especially by circumstances that are beyond our control. Hunting and collecting trophies is…..dangerous. I have a…..bloodlust for it. I have achieved a great many honours and a part of me is satisfied. I do….I do not want my choices to put you in imminent danger.” He said clicking.

“I need you to remember this code.” He handed her a piece of paper. There was a series of symbols written in Yautja. She studied it. She couldn't understand the writing. Lex looked at him and stepped closer. “What is this? What do these symbols mean?” She asked worried.“This is a master code to all of the escape pods. If anything were to happen to me and you were in danger……please get to the ship as quickly as possible. The escape pods are programmed to return you to Earth. If you are already onboard and can pilot the ship then leave for Earth immediately. I…”

     Lex interrupted him as she began to cry. “Wait, what is going on?” She sobbed, tears welling in her eyes. “Lex, these are precautionary measures. I only want you to be safe in the event that I am….killed or captured or in any way unable to assist you or escape. Leave! If there is an incident and you leave and you see that my life line still has a heartbeat, we could communicate with one another from my sat-com or gauntlet and you could send an escape pod for me from orbit. I could also send a distress signal to any Yautja within range. Do you understand?” Lex was starting to quiver. Her emotions were on the surface and she was growing hysterical. “Yes….I understand.” Scar pulled her to him and held her.

“I'm scared!” She wailed. “Do not fear or fret. I only want you to be prepared. I intend on taking care of you to the absolute best of my ability.” She held him tighter.

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