Breaking Him Part 59

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Lex felt sick. Scar didn't bother drying himself. He began to train. He pushed his body until he felt pain, both physically and mentally. His heart ached. His mind was a mess of thoughts. He beat the android into a million broken pieces, eventually breaking his skin, causing him to bleed. He practiced intensely. His tactics were extreme and he forced himself to focus. The android injured him twice. He tried to put her and her words out of his mind for they were distracting him.

He couldn't....Lex ran rampant in his thoughts and it caused him to train harder. He broke every training post and several weapons. He wanted everything...with her. Her fears and cruel words put him on edge. He wanted and planned to do the exact opposite of everything she'd suggested and insinuated.

Lex bathed but she couldn't relax or enjoy her bath. She finished quickly and dressed in one of the nightshirts he'd handpicked for her. Scar demolished the room. He stood silently, unnerved and feeling misunderstood. Lex exited their quarters and went in search of him. She checked the central command centre, observation room, the room housing their pets, the storage rooms, the infirmary, every wardrobe she was aware of and the kitchen. She came upon another lavatory with a shower and a plethora of other rooms she found and discovered by accident. He was no where to be seen. She wondered if he was cloaked and avoiding her. She wandered through the ship for over an hour.

She finally decided to check his training room. She punched in the code and entered slowly. He was there, standing, facing away from her. The room was a mess. It was wrecked. Everything was demolished and broken. She gasped. There was blood everywhere, the green fluorescent substance illuminated the space. It was on several pieces of broken equipment and weapons. It was splattered all over the floor and dripped from his clenched fists. Lex stopped. She was petrified.

Scar could hear her but he didn't turn around. He realized his blood was everywhere. She stepped towards him slowly. "Baby..." She whispered scared and apprehensive. That word caused him to sigh and fold in his best efforts to remain hard and distant. He stood still as she approached him. She walked around to face him. He was unreadable. His hands were bloodied and she saw his mouth bleeding as well. The sight of him shocked her.

Lex realized how her words had affected him. She was paralyzed. He looked at her then stared straight ahead. He didn't look angry or sad. She was afraid to come near him. "Please, come here. I'm afraid to touch you. I'm afraid I'll upset you further." She explained to him. He looked down at her, though he didn't move. She felt her eyes stinging. She wouldn't cry, this couldn't be about her right now. He noticed her eyes but didn't move at all. She stepped towards him, he looked down at her and she stopped.

"I need to be alone." He told her plainly in his deep voice. This was not what she wanted but what could she expect. Her body slumped.

"Scar..... please. I was wrong to speak to you that way. I'm scared."

"I do not understand why you are scared. I have told you repeatedly that I will protect you. I have put into place protocols to ensure your safety and survival should anything happen to me. Escape plans......evacuation orders. Programmed the escape pods to send you to Earth should something happen. I will not leave you or abandon you. I have shown you. I have kept my word and honoured my promises to you. I love you and I certainly will not abandon you with a child who will be different to care for on your own. You and our future children will be my responsibility. I do not take this lightly. You are my life."

"Scar.... I'm so sorry. I fucked up. Please...we have just joined. I should not have doubted you. Forgive me. I'm just terrified of being hurt or separated. The circumstances are unimaginable and incomprehensible. Those six months......... I could have expressed it better."

"Lex....leave me." She stared at him. She began to breakdown and walked to him. "Please!" She begged clawing at him. He tried not to look at her but her sobs made him weak. He bent down to her. Lex lifted her arms, "up." She whispered. He leaned down and gathered her to him. He picked her up and pulled her to his chest. She held his neck, hugging him. He breathed her in and rubbed her back. She leaned away from him and looked into his eyes. She studied his face. She wiped the blood from his chin and touched his mandibles trying to pry them open. Scar took a deep breath. She leaned forward. "Give me...give me kisses." She whispered. Scar fed her his tongue. She sucked him into her mouth. He held her tighter, rubbing her legs and bottom.

Lex touched his arms, feeling his muscles. Her touch melted his restraint but his disappointment remained. They broke for air. "I love you. I'm sorry." She spoke softly. He stared at her and shook his head once. "Please don't be angry with me. This is all so overwhelming. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." She said softly. He stared at her. He had no words. "What happened in here?" She glanced around at the disaster. When her eyes returned to his, she could see the ire in his gaze. "Forgive me." She whispered. "You are forgiven. I need to be alone." He said clicking angrily. Lex closed her eyes and shook her head no. "Please, don't ask me to leave." She said weakly. He sighed. He lowered her quickly and stepped away. "Lex...allow me to think." She could feel her heart beating rapidly.

He grabbed her hand and gently pulled her towards him. He guided her towards the door. Lex could feel herself growing nervous. He moved her out of the room.

"Scar, please let me..."

"Lex, I need to be alone." He looked at her and closed the door.

She stood on the other side feeling gutted. Scar closed the door and exhaled a deep breath. He was miserable without her but needed to be alone.

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