Bands and Cake Part 51

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Lex and Scar descended the ship and headed back to the cabin. They were both starving. Lex went to work cooking. She made a mixture of foods; bacon, lamb, green vegetables, sweet cornbread, brown rice and custard pudding. Scar sat watching her while sharpening some of his weapons he wanted her to have. She'd asked him to relax but he never seemed to relax unless they were in bed. She kept touching her necklace. She wanted to purchase a ring for Scar. Did Yautja wear rings? Well, they adorned themselves with skulls and chopped off fingers! Maybe a ring wasn't too out of the ordinary. Would Scar wear a ring? She could go into town and purchase one. That would require a great deal of patience on Scars part. He would be unable to stay here while she shopped. She could grab a few more items for their departure.

Scar watched her....she was in deep thought. He needed to know. Lex served them and they began to eat. She'd suddenly lost her appetite. Scar devoured every last bite. He was famished. Lex ate slowly. "Scar..." He glanced up at her. "I need to go into town. For a few items. I need a couple of things to take with me before we depart." He sat, unmoving and unblinking. She dreaded this. She wanted him to understand.

"Why?..." He asked innocently. "Well, I need a few items. Only a couple of things. I've run out here and I didn't see them in the storage room onboard your ship." She stated. "Our ship! What sort of items?" He queried. She smiled. "Well pregnancy tests....." "I will know if you are with child. Your scent will tell me everything I need to know. The moment conception takes place, I will know and I will be.....overjoyed!!!!" He stated plainly and directly.

Lex had to think quick. "The moment?..... that's amazing!!" She fidgeted with her hands under the table. "I also need a new journal,..............I WANT A CAMERA!!!!!!!" She yelled excitedly! "A camera?" Scar was familiar with the word. "Yes, I want to document EVERYTHING. I won't take pictures of you if you're uncomfortable but I want to take pictures of space!! Planets I may visit! I need to capture these memories for myself." She said trying to sound as convincing as possible. Scar was not comfortable with her leaving. He was going to tell her he didn't want her to leave. "Lex......." "Plus, I want to purchase a reef for my father's grave. I want to write him a letter and bury the bottle of black sand I collected for him from the beaches here in Iceland at his gravesite in Colorado." She lowered her head. She knew he couldn't, he wouldn't refuse her this last request.

The protest on Scars tongue died...he couldn't deny her this last time to visit her father's resting place. He promised to return her to Earth but space travel was time consuming. Missions changed. He couldn't say no. He lowered his head and let out a deep sigh. Lex knew she had him! "Very well. Will you be long?" "No, a few hours at most. Longest part will be the drive. I'll be quick." He stared at her and nodded. " promise to stay here, right?" He stared at her. His eyes were bright and focused. "I will not lie to you, I will probably follow you." " Scar!" "I will do my best to remain here. However, my patience is short and my trust in humans other than you is nonexistent." He said clicking!

"Scaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!" She whined.

"I will be ok." Lex told him in exasperation. Scar stood, towering over her. Lex moved back in her chair, fearful. He reached for her and picked her up like a child. She clung to him. "I love you. I would be..........." He clicked and chittered in annoyance. "Devastated.... that is the word I am trying to say. I would be devastated if you were in danger, hurt or......." Scar lowered his eyes. Lex leaned forward and hugged him. Rubbing his back. She only wanted to purchase him a ring. "You have no reason to fear me, please..... do not draw back from me in fear." She nodded in understanding.

"Stay, please. I'll be fine. No spying!" She begged him. He rolled his eyes and she couldn't help but giggle. He squeezed her. He lowered his head and grazed her face with his mandibles. He chittered and growled.

Across The Galaxy By Nori Elan Where stories live. Discover now