Artful Epilogue Part 73

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News articles and excerpts:

London officials Seek Louvre Curators, Experts and Scientists To Authenticate Joannes Vermeer, The Concert, 1664. The painting is estimated to be worth over 200,000,000.

British Museum officials confirm Joannes Vermeer, The Concert, 1664 painting was left outside in an air tight sealed box at the Museums private entrance.

British Museum spokesperson confirms Joannes Vermeer, The Concert, 1664 painting worth over 200,000,000 is being authenticated. An art dealer, a team of scientist and world renowned curators specializing in animal and plant DNA residue, high resolution digital images and mathematical formulas, as well as in-depth research done with the rediscovered painting are underway to authenticate the piece of historical art.

Carbon tested and highly advance techniques have confirmed the painting is the original painting stolen in 1990. Security footage was scrambled. No one knows who could have delivered the painting or why?

Joannes Vermeer, The Concert, 1664 painting to be restored and featured in a grand reintroduction at a charity ball at the British Museum in 2 months time. The painting is heavily guarded. The painting is in a bidding war. Museums from all over the world vying to claim ownership. French officials want the painting. Feel it would be best kept safe in the Louvre.

England's House of Parliament and British Museum offering reward for any information leading to the mystery person who delivered Joannes Vermeer, The Concert, 1664. Authorities want to know where it came from and how long did the person who had the painting have it in their possession.

November 13, 2019 Completed

Thank you to anyone who reads this! I appreciate you!

Nori Elan

Please comment!!! It's my first fanfiction. I would appreciate any feedback!
I'm not a great writer but I tried and I'd like to improve.

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