Touch Part 6

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She dropped her hands and stepped back. Before she could speak, the power blew. The storm had picked up considerably. The cabin was dark, save for the light outside which provided very little illumination. She wanted to scramble to the basement to turn on the generator but she decided maybe they should sit instead. She motioned for him to follow her, he didn't, she reached for his hand and guided him to the sofa. He followed her. He sat as she walked to the fireplace and started a small fire. She went to sit near him. He looked at her, not knowing what to do. All confidence he had was gone.

Lex sat in silence, in the dimly lit room, thinking. She stared at him for a long while before getting up and sitting next to him. He tensed. "What do you want from me?" She asked.

He took a deep breath before answering as honestly as he could. "Everything." He whispered in his deep voice. Lex looked perplexed and relieved but most of all, shocked. She moved closer. He sat with both hands on his knees. She took one hand and guided it to her cheek. He felt her skin and rubbed his finger along her mark. He closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh, trilling deeply. She was warm and her skin felt like silk. He was nervous. "Is that why you marked me?" She asked. He shook his head yes. Lex reached and hugged him, he wrapped his hands around her waist and she sank into his embrace. He pulled her to him. Lex moved to straddle his thighs. She wanted to look at him. His eyes were beautiful. They twinkled in the fire light. She put both arms around his neck and hugged him, resting her head on his shoulder. They hugged for a long time. She heard his mandibles clicking softly. His breathing was deep. His chest rumbled and his purring lulled her into relaxation. She released him and unzipped her coat, pulled off her hoodie and tore off her boots. He sat beneath her spellbound. Scar wore his armor and his netting.

Lex turned around and smiled nervously. She looked into his eyes. She studied his face and his unique features. She climbed off of him, she was nervous. He wanted to reach for her. She touched his armor, there were so many pieces. "Does this come off?" She asked softly. "Yes." He replied. She smiled and leaned back on the couch. Closing her eyes to give him a sense of privacy. Scar stripped the armor quickly along with his netting, small trophies and cape. Leaving only his codpiece and loincloth. He turned to Lex trilling and he touched her cheek. She opened her eyes, smiled and sat up. He was a mountain! All muscle and quite intimidating.

He carefully....hesitantly pulled her to him. Sitting her back on his lap. She mounted him again and stared into his eyes. She gently touched his mandibles. He clicked them nervously. She ran her finger along his teeth. They were sharp! She touched them slowly. His tongue licked where her fingers grazed a path. She retraced her path and his tongue touched her fingertips. He licked at them. He closed his eyes and trilled lowly. Lex listened, the sound went straight to her core. She felt herself growing wet and slick. Scar could smell her arousal and he wanted it all for himself. He grabbed her hips and squeezed. His touch was rough but it made her keen with need. She felt his nails dig into her sides. Scar felt overwhelmed. He was intensely aware of his growing erection. The codpiece was beginning to strain and hurt. He needed it off. Lex could feel his reaction to her touching him. She lifted herself up and kissed his forehead. She touched one tendril of his hair and it felt hot, it was suffused with blood. She reached into his hair and grabbed more. They were all hot. She tugged them roughly.

Scar let out a whine. Her touching his hair was clearly an erogenous zone. She pulled harder. Causing him to hiss, grip her hips and pull her back down over the codpiece. The friction against her sex was unbearable. She pulled out from his hold and pulled herself back up. She unbuttoned her shirt and opened the fabric for him to see. His hands stilled. He stared at her cleavage. Her breasts were full and enticing. His mouth watered. She slowly touched her breasts, while softly moaning. It was torture for Scar. He still held her hips. He wanted to touch her everywhere. She unclasped the front of her bra exposing her breasts and hardened nipples to his gazing eyes. His hands gripped her hips tightly before he released her and carefully reached to touch her nipples. He ran his talon over her tips and watched them grow into firm peaks. His mouth watered more.

He gripped her with his hand still holding her hip and used his other to guide her to his mouth. Lex was nervous and anxious, his teeth were sharp. His mandibles had fangs attached. She was a bit worried. His mandibles flared and opened. His tongue slipped out and grazed one nipple. He closed his eyes and began to lap at her peaks. Drawing her nipple into his mouth. He licked her and coated her nipple with his saliva. His mandibles closed around her, forming a tight hold on her breast while his tongue ravaged her nipple. His mandibles opened and closed slightly, moving her nipple in and out of his mouth. Lex felt faint. She was panting and moaning. Scar felt lightheaded and passion fueled. He continued his assault on her nipples.

Moving from left to right. Lex gripped his shoulders and pulled at his hair. Every time she pulled Scars hair, he lightly grazed her nipples with his teeth. He continued massaging one breast while his mouth licked the other. Scar was growing out of control. Lex's moaning was driving him mad. He could smell the arousal of her sex, he needed more. Lex squeezed her arms around his neck. She was losing control. Scars hand released her breast and he used his hand to unfasten his codpiece, while his mandibles and tongue held her breast securely in place.

With his loincloth and codpiece gone, Scar moved his hands to her bottom and gripped her. She moaned louder. With both hands Scar palmed her bottom and squeezed, rubbing his fingers between her moist cleft through her jeans. He rubbed her and grazed her opening repeatedly. He gripped and pulled her cheeks apart. He held her tightly and continued to rub up and down. He felt her warm wetness and smelled her cunt soaking her jeans. She was so firm and luscious. He needed to feel her.

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