Foolish Threats Part 32

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Scar was lifting boulders and clearing a path. Thomas drank her water, it was painful. He threw her the bottle and limped closer to her.

He grabbed her arm and spoke angrily; wheezing, slurring and barely coherent, "this isn't over, you will pay and your friends here will be captured, tortured and killed. I hope you....." Before he could finish, Scar grabbed his head, gripped it hard, crushing his orbital sockets and his cranium. He slammed Thomas's head angrily into the stone wall. The contact crushed his skull and blood poured from the impact with the stone. Scar squeezed and ripped his head and spine from his body, severing and decapitating Thomas' spine from his back. He roared and stood holding the spine in his hand, he had his trophy. He'd tried to be understanding because of Lex. That thought process went out the window when he saw Thomas touching her and making threats. He dropped the spine and glanced to Lex through his mask. Lex was horrified. She knew what he was capable of. He was a killer who hunted for sport. He was also her mate and he was jealous, a deadly combination!

Holly screamed and turned her head away. Derrick was in shock, once again. He backed away, feeling weak. He wanted to leave and never think of this place or these 4 beastly killers again. No amount of money would be worth their wrath or retaliation. 'Where there's 4, there's more' Derrick thought.

Scar continued lifting stones. Wikker spotted and targeted a creature. He blasted. Two more moved into the cavern. Wikker blasted another, missing the other. Nelkir spotted the second, throwing a smart disc. The disc only managed to graze the creature, causing it to screech and bleed acid. Scar turned to target it when three more appeared. He targeted all four, only hitting and killing two. One of the two crawled rapidly up to the ceiling while the other ran for Nelkir. Fuldex threw a shuriken at the one heading for Nelkir, the creature fell back and scurried away, causing all three to run after it. They cornered it and encountered another. All three went to work attacking the two creatures. Nelkir grabbed the tail of one and slammed it into the wall. The creature screamed and attacked Nelkir digging and scratching into his armor. Nelkir targeted the creature and fired his net gun, subduing it before the net tightened and crushed the kainde amedha to death. Causing it's blood to spill out and burn through the net and ground. Wikker and Fuldex used spears to strike the other creature, causing it to screech and bleed out, burning Wikker's armor. Another creature appeared along with a facehugger.

Scar scaled the wall to kill the other kainde amedha hiding in a crevice in the cavern. Holly cowered behind Derrick in a corner hyperventilating, while Lex stood in awe watching Scar climb the wall and ceiling. Scar fired an energy flechette at the creature, causing it to fall to the ground.

The creature landed hard, regaining its balance and sizing up its attacker. It focused its attention to the three humans. It whipped its tail at Derrick's head, causing him to fall back into Holly and lapse into unconsciousness. Holly hit her head against the wall, causing her vision to blur. Both Derrick and Holly were injured and rendered incapacitated. The creature whipped around and spotted Lex. It moved closer to her, Lex backed up, wishing she had her combi-stick. The creature whipped around and struck Lex, missing the string of her necklace but cutting her throat. She fell to the ground holding her bloody neck. Scar witnessed this and roared his anger, shock and devastation.

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