Anxious Glands Part 46

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They arrived to her cabin. Night was falling. "Are you hungry?" She asked him. "No..." was all he said. Scar stopped in front of the cabin stairs. Lex walked up a couple of stairs then turned to face him. "Scar..... I'm ok. Please...know that I'm happy..... simply over the moon that you're here." He approached her and held her. She rested her head on his mask. "Come inside, we can cut it tomorrow." She told him. He shook his head no. He scanned the area. No one was in sight. "I will finish quickly. Please go inside and warm yourself." He said. She surveyed the area. "Are you sure?" "Yes..." He told her. She hesitantly went inside.

Lex added the last of the firewood to the fireplace. She defrosted a few steaks, pork chops and a bag of frozen broccoli, asparagus and carrot steamers. She cooked as quickly as she could. She made a pan of corn bread and made him a glass of the tonic he left her and coconut juice since he seemed to enjoy it the last couple of times. She didn't know how much water to add to the tonic. She mixed the tonic until it tasted how she remembered it. She peeled out of her clothes and put on her robe.

Scar chopped and cut all the wood into small narrow pieces. He stacked them orderly on the porch and returned the sled to the shed. He stood for a long time wondering why she was anxious and distressed. He would ask again. Lex was done cooking. She looked out and didn't see Scar. She panicked. She went for her clothes and coat but before she could dress, he was coming through the door. She stopped and her eyes stung with tears. He saw this and went to her. He pulled her into his arms. She tried pulling away but he held her. "Have I upset you?" He asked worried. The emotions he felt concerning her were overwhelming and still foreign. Yautja males weren't encouraged or reared to be emotional. She shook her head no but tears tracked her face. "Please tell me!" He implored. "It's nothing." She said sobbing. She felt herself feeling irrational. She needed to calm down. "Lex.....I am worried." She tried pulling from him but he gripped her tightly. "No.." He said frustrated.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. Please, I just want to eat and bathe. Please come and eat with me." He pulled her to him. She couldn't make eye contact and he growled lowly. "I want the truth but I will not press." His voice was deep and sounded dangerous. She nodded. She gripped him and he squeezed her. He felt the sudden need to fuck her.

Lex pulled him to his seat. She sat across his lap and pulled at his mask. "Off" She said. He reached up, removed the tubing and pulled it off, placing it on the table. His eyes were heated. His expression was...irate. She reached up and touched his chin. He was incensed. "Scar" She said apprehensively. He was positively sullen that she wouldn't tell him what was wrong. She touched his mandibles and ran her fingers across his teeth. He licked her finger tips but he wouldn't look at her. She touched his tendrils and massaged them. He leaned into her caress.

Lex took notice of his breathing. His eyes were closed and his hands were flexing. He wanted to touch her but he was at a loss because of her mood. She noticed his hands, he kept lifting them as if he wanted to hold her but he didn't. She pulled one of his tendrils, he hissed and gripped the sides of the chair. Lex pulled him to her and licked his mandibles. He let out a deep breath. She continued licking him and massaging his scalp. She kept running her fingers down his tendrils, lightly squeezing.

Scar was aroused. She was driving him mad. Her ministrations were leaving him breathless. She turned to straddled his thighs, settling her cunt right against his groin. He groaned and growled. She licked his teeth and stuck her tongue in. His rough tongue met hers and he whined deep in his throat. She moaned and started taking off his armor. She was learning how to remove it after watching him repeatedly. Scar felt her actions and groaned loudly. She removed his chest plate, arm shields and the armor on his forearms. There were so many pieces. She dropped it all to the floor. She couldn't remove his netting so she touched him all over, particularly in between the spaces. She rubbed his chest and ran her fingers all over his abs. He was ripped! She felt his muscles bulging. Lex lifted herself up and her breasts touched his chin. She hugged him and rubbed his scalp. Scar smelled her scent...he felt her heat and he lost control. He wrapped his hands around her waist and began to squeeze her. He held her ass and squeezed harder. Rubbing his hands all over her.

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