Powerful Heartbeat Part 41

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Lex inserted her key in the door. "Please wait here, I'll grab the list for you." She told him sternly. "Ok, yes, sure." He said. She walked to her computer and grabbed the list. She headed back to the door and handed him the list. "Ok, great. Thank you." He said. She nodded.

"Have a good night." She told him closing the door.

"Lex, wait. I.....um...I hope I'm not being too forward. I would really like to take you out. On a date. Dinner....I find you exceptionally beautiful and interesting. You're stunning. I'm enamored with you. You look so beautiful tonight.....I'd really like to get to know you." He finished nervously.

"Vincent, that's thoughtful but I'm not dating. I hope you can understand." She stated directly.

"I see, any reason in particular or do you have a boyfriend?" He asked.

"No, I'm just not dating. I don't have anyone. Just not dating. Please understand." She told him.

"Ok, I see." He said softly.

"Thank you, have a goodnight." She told him while closing the door. He nodded. He looked hurt. He backed away and left.

Lex locked the door. She stood.....had she been too dismissive.....rude....?

She couldn't decide. Frankly she couldn't care. There was nothing left for her. She reached for her necklace. It wasn't there. She went to the table by the mirror and put the necklace around her neck. She held it. Her eyes sought her reflection, she masked her depression from others but she felt as if she were dying more each day she was without him. She sighed.

She turned to start undressing, she was sick of her clothes and the heels. She bent down to unlatch the small buckle around her ankle when she heard a soft trilling, it was long, deep and low. Scar slowly appearing from under his cloak made her heart drop. She froze. The sound making her heart skip a beat and her diaphragm began to shake and spasm. She started trembling, violently she began to shake. Her throat felt tight and her eyes were a burgeoning dam about to burst.


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