Yautja Tongue Part 53

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Lex was learning the controls, they'd practiced now for two days. She was a fast learner. Scar was impressed. Scar had only taken her over Iceland, allowing her to take over the controls. She was learning the buttons and although she couldn't understand all of the symbols, she knew which buttons to press for certain modes and functions. Today they walked in the snow towards the ship.

"More practice today?" She asked excitedly. "Yes..." was all he said. "Awesome!!!! I want to fly over Finland!! Maybe England!" Scar nodded. They boarded their ship. Lex attempted to kick Scar in the chest but he grabbed her leg and pushed her to the wall. He held her tightly, gripping her ass, squeezing her as his nails dug into her flesh through her coat. She yelped and screamed. "Ah ah ah! No dirty tricks. Otherwise there will be no flying. Only you riding my cock." He told her growling closely to her face. Lex gasped. His words surprised her. "Off..." She told him, grabbing his mask. He removed it and stared down at her. He was dominate and passionate and he'd grown more and more insatiable by the day! Lex reached up to pull his head down. He leaned down and cupped her face, he traced her mark. He pulled her to stroke her tongue with his. Lex grabbed onto his shoulders and tried to climb him. "Ssssssssssssss......" Scar shook his head no. Lex wanted him. "I need you!" She told him impatiently! "I know. I can smell your arousal. It is intoxicating......if I partake, we will have accomplished nothing!" He told her. "Scaaaaarrrrrrrr!!!!! I need you now. Must I beg!??" She whined. "I will beg you later!" He whispered. Her mouth let out a deep sigh and she felt her cunt began to soak through her panties. He pulled her from the wall.

Lex was beyond horny. His presence lit her on fire. Scar was instantly MISERABLE. His erection hurt and his chest felt tight. He wanted nothing more than to mount her and feel her warmth encase his cock. Her scent would be the death of him. He could smell her and he knew she was warm and wet. They entered the central command centre and Lex sat in the pilots chair. Scar stood behind her instead of his customary place by her side as co-pilot. "Can I ascend?" "Yes..." He said softly clicking. Lex powered the ship and began to ascend. "Can I go faster?" "Yes...in 20 seconds ascend to the thermosphere." "Really, why?" "We have to ascend higher to fly further." He explained. "Ohhhh ok." Lex entered into the thermosphere and turned to him. "Now what? This is higher than I've ever flown." "Ascend higher." Scar instructed. Lex turned to look at him. "What's above this?" "The exosphere." "Scar.... must we really ascend higher up?" "Yes...we must." Lex took a deep breath and did as she was told.

Pitch black but illuminated...space! Lex sat stunned. Her eyes were heavy and filled with tears. She never would have thought this was possible. Scar stood behind her, rubbing her shoulders. Space was vast and infinite. Everywhere she looked she saw darkness with trillions of stars. The moon was gargantuan. Her eyes were fixated on how bright the moon illuminated everything in its path. "Scar, this is beautiful!" "Yes, just as you are!" Lex smiled. She stood and hugged him. She walked to the view screen and sat on the floor staring into space, literally.

Scar gave her a moment to let it all sink in as she cried. The beauty of the moment overwhelming her. Scar started autopilot mode and the ship began to fly deeper into space. Lex stared in wonder. Scar approached her and lowered himself to her. "Are you well?" "Yes, this is beautiful. Unreal...." She told him. He held her. "We can stay here for a while and explore. You can practice, use space as your open sky." She nodded and leaned into his chest.

Lex returned to the controls and flew ahead slowly. She explored further. For a long while she flew, taking in everything. Never straying too far from Earth. "This is breathtaking." She remarked. Scar smiled. She flew for a bit. Taking in every detail. "We can remain in stasis. I want to make love to you." He whispered in her ear, trilling long. Lex took a deep breath and switched the controls to autopilot.

Scar pressed a series of buttons then turned to Lex. "I want to bathe with you and make love but first I need to perform a procedure." He told her. Lex turned to him wide eyed. "What do you mean?" "Lex we will be leaving soon. Space travel is unlike anything you will ever experience. Yautja Prime, space and many planets....the atmosphere is unsuitable for you. You will fall ill if you are ever exposed to it for an extended period of time. I need to implant a chip, particularly into your trachea." He explained. Lex was speechless. She stood and paced. Distancing herself from him. "Scar.........I'm.....I......I'm not sure." Lex felt fear. Scar approached her and Lex backed away. Scar froze. He was dispirited by her fearfulness of him. "Lex, I will not hurt you! Please believe me." Lex stared at him. He could see the discomfort in her eyes. The uncertainty.

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