Revealing Truth Part 39

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A stillness came over Scar. "I know you have a mate Scar and I know she is a ooman. Her scent is all over you. I'm sure others have smelled it as well but many Yautja have never visited Earth or interacted or observed oomans for an extended period of time, so they probably have confused the scents or are too petrified to say anything to you. You look like a walking killing machine. More so than the normal or usual Yautja males." She told him quietly. "I've traveled to Earth. I was there for over 730 cycles. I observed......many things. Oomans have a particular scent." She explained. "I am suffering. I feel like I am dying." He told her, clicking angrily. "I can imagine. Does anyone else know?" She asked. "Elder Shomir." He told her. "Ahhhhhhhh I see... Elder Shomir.......many many years ago. Long before you were sired. He had a relationship with a Gali female. He never quite recovered." She told him. "Yes, he told me." Scar clicked repeatedly. Keishll shook her head.

"I am old, I've seen and witnessed many things. Go to her. She is most certainly suffering as well. Oomans feel emotions deeply. They suffer far longer than we do, well maybe not you. It's not common for them to take their lives like Yautja, so they suffer. It has taken you over 120 cycles to arrive here and you still look and sound distraught. Ooman females are a different breed altogether. They hurt on a deeper level. They love hard. Their pain is palpable and it....can alter them forever if never rectified. They heal slowly, emotions guide them. Go to her, explain what has happened. Ooman and Yautja relationships are not unheard of. Not common but certainly not unheard of. To some...... it is an abomination and it goes against what is considered important and pure.....hunting is of most importance. There are some who will despise you or challenge you. They may even..... wish to hurt her. Others will or could be curious of her. Jealousy. Some males could foolishly attempt to take her from you or challenge you for her. Others will respect her because of her bravery and honour your coupling. You will have ridicule and you will have support. I can guess you've earned enough respect and fear for you both."

"That could start a war!" He clicked furiously. "Yes..." She answered. "It would be their deaths!" He chittered. "I'm certain it would be!" Keishll answered. "Elder Shomir will see to it she is protected. I'm sure none of our clan wants to be challenged over a ooman or ousted as a bad blood!" Keishll noted. "Be watchful of her metamorphosis. She's probably changing, her DNA, and doesn't realize it."

Scar nodded. Keishll loaded him up with supplies. "Thank you." He clicked sadly. Keishll went to another room and returned with a new nightshirt, a pouch stuffed with items and a small metal box. "These garments are creations I've copied from human females. They always wore such elaborate night clothes. Always so covered yet....sensual. Give this to your ooman." Scar accepted the gifts and bowed graciously.

He departed the base and headed for his ship. He checked his controls and progress. Hyper-jump was repaired and back online. He repaired several operating systems and damage. Some cells were replaced and he installed new features he would test during a short flight. Scar exited and went outside to fashion new weapons. He repaired ones that needed sharpening. He wanted everything ready. He repaired cell systems and installed the TSC terminal he'd worked on for months.

After many hours and several test flights, his central command centre alerted him that the ship was operating at optimal levels. He departed the outpost and headed back to Earth. He was alone again. He could finally calm down. He went to put away supplies, he cooked himself a meal. He hadn't eaten properly in countless cycles. He hadn't even drank a sip of c'nlip. He was focused.

He returned to his command centre and jumped his ship. It worked. He was relieved and ecstatic. He pushed the ship to full speed and sent a message to Elder Shomir.

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