Chpt 7: An Unexpected Text From Gabriel.

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Adrien was playing the piano when his phone buzzed from over by his bedside table, making him lose his concentration and mess up the complicated fingering he had been practicing.  He decided he might as well take a break as he had been struggling the last few minutes with that musical passage anyway.  He walked over to the phone to check it.

"From my father?" Adrien said out loud as he saw the message.  He quickly unlocked the phone and started to read.  Plagg, hearing what Adrien said, flew over from his spot on his pillow to provide some support if needed.  Who knew what Gabriel might say to Adrien?

Plagg hovered at Adrien's shoulder.  "Well, what does it say?" Plagg asked impatiently. He was exasperated with Adrien- he shouldn't even need to ask Adrien to share what his father was texting him! A kwami was entitled to know!

"What?" Adrien said, just noticing Plagg as he had been lost in thought about what his father's motivation for this message might be.  "Oh, um, he is inviting me and Marinette and her parents to dinner tomorrow night.  That's a first.  I can't help but wonder why, though.  Especially after all of this time.  Do you think I should accept?" he asked, still staring at the message from his father.

"You better talk to Marinette first.  And, of course, you're going to have to ask her parents anyway.  So, don't reply yet!" Plagg advised.

"Yeah.  Right," Adrien said distractedly.  "You're right.  Is Marinette still upstairs with her student?" he asked Plagg, finally looking up from his phone.

"How would I know?  I've been down here snoozing through your practicing.  I was expecting to hear more than that same passage over and over.  It totally put me to sleep!  And while I normally enjoy my naps, I had planned to enjoy an afternoon of cheese sampling, since Tikki is not here to complain about the aroma, but I fell asleep. You made me waste my cheese time!" Plagg whined.

Adrien couldn't help laughing at that, earning a glare from Plagg.  "Plagg, you know that practicing at times requires replaying the same measures over and over.  I guess you've forgotten since it's been so long since I've actually been able to practice.  Anyway, I guess I'll go up and see if Odette has left yet.  Want to come?"

"No.  I'm going to spend some quality time with my cheese," said Plagg as he pulled an assortment out of a drawer and set them up on top of the dresser.

The smell of stinky cheese started to waft toward Adrien.  "Well, enjoy, and maybe open a window once you're done to air things out a bit? Those are some fragrant cheeses!" said Adrien, scrunching his face up in disgust.

"Fine," grumbled Plagg, before swallowing a big chunk of the first cheese.

Adrien left his room and headed towards Marinette's. He looked at the time on his phone and noticed she should just about be finishing up with her student.  He hovered near the stairs, waiting for the girls to come down, so he could make sure to catch Marinette.

"You made really good progress on your dress today," Adrien could hear Marinette saying near the top of the stairs.  "I think that you should be able to finish it the next time we meet!"

"You don't think that my seams were too crooked?" Odette asked tentatively as she came into Adrien's view. She had her head turned toward Marinette, focusing on what she was saying.

Marinette shook her head.  "No, once we turn it right-side out and iron it, it won't be noticeable.  You'll get better at controlling the machine, though, so don't worry!"

Odette smiled turning her gaze forward. Adrien noticed that as soon as she saw him, her smile faltered and then Odette tripped down the last two stairs.  Adrien quickly caught her arm to right her and she turned a bright red.  

"Future Rewoven" Book 3 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now