Chpt 8: A Perfectly Behaved Gabriel? And the "Adrienette" Fan Club.

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"And how is Adrien managing with everything at your home?" asked Gabriel politely, looking at Tom and Sabine who were seated next to him, before taking a bite of his meal.

Adrien had been shocked upon entering the dining room to see that places were set for all the guests to dine at one end of the table, near his father's seat, so they would all be able to converse comfortably. He wasn't sure he had ever witnessed that in his whole life- he had always sat at the opposite end of the table, far away from his father! This was very different.

Sabine looked at Adrien kindly and then returned her gaze to Gabriel. "He has been doing such a wonderful job! As you probably know, he's kept up his grades and all of his extracurriculars have been going well. He has even become a proficient macaron baker and developed a number of special flavors we will be highlighting this summer!"

Adrien noticed that his father's eyebrow gave a slight twitch at the mention of Adrien making macarons. But, surprisingly, Gabriel said nothing disparaging about it.

"I appreciate you helping my son during this difficult time. I am sure you have thought that I haven't been a good father to him recently," Gabriel said quietly, looking as if he were embarrassed.  Adrien and Marinette exchanged a quick look of confusion over Gabriel's behavior.

"Oh, no, we weren't thinking anything of the sort!" Tom rushed to say. "We don't know everything about what happened, but Adrien has mentioned how difficult it has been for you both after your wife . . . um . . . went missing," he finished lamely, still not exactly sure what had happened to Adrien's mother.

"Yes, you are correct. Not having my beloved wife here has taken a toll," Gabriel said simply, tears seeming to appear in his eyes.

Sabine gave him a sympathetic look.

Marinette watched Gabriel's performance with wide-eyed fascination, wondering just what was going on. She could hardly believe how easily her parents fell for everything Gabriel was saying, despite Adrien telling them how Gabriel had been treating him.  She wondered whether her parents would start doubting Adrien's descriptions of his father after this- she hoped not!

"Excuse me," said Gabriel as he dabbed his eyes with his napkin, "It is still difficult to speak about Emilie. But, I am glad to hear that things are going so well for Adrien. I am hoping that we may be able to repair our relationship over the summer. Perhaps we will be able to spend more time together to get to know one another again?" he asked, directing his question to Adrien who sat to his side.

Adrien felt all eyes on him, so he nodded and said, "I would like that." He wasn't sure what else to say at the moment. Could his father really mean what he said or was there some other hidden motive?

Marinette reached under the table for Adrien's hand and gave it a squeeze. She could tell how confused he was by his father's very civilized behavior. Heck, she was confused! He wasn't at all like he was the last time she encountered him.

"Marinette," said Gabriel, focusing on her. She jerked slightly at being addressed and Adrien now gave her a hand a squeeze. "How is your fashion designing coming along? I remember that bowler hat you designed for Adrien was very creative and very well made. I was impressed with your craftmanship. Have you been working on anything else lately?"

"Yes, Mr. Agreste . . ." She was interrupted by Gabriel with a "You can call me Gabriel" which was said with a small smile.

"Uh, alright, Gabriel," she said awkwardly.  "Well, um, I recently designed and made an Art Deco inspired dress with printed and embroidered cats. And, I took on a student for the summer to teach her the basics of design and sewing. It has been a challenge to teach someone else, but I am enjoying it," finished Marinette, looking over at Gabriel.

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