Chpt 26: Maya's Miraculous Search.

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"How's your side coming together?" Maya asked Max as she tried to line up her piece of the equipment.

Max peered around from the other side of the time portal. "I think everything's lined up and you can attach your piece now," he said. An alarm timer went off from the area of their desks and Max said "I forgot, again!"

"You can let go and get your phone. It's okay," said Maya.

"Thanks!" he said, releasing his hold on the equipment and walking over to pick up his phone. "I knew I would forget to meet my friends again if I didn't set an alarm." He turned the alarm off and put his phone in his bag and started to collect up his things.

"Are you going to a Kitty Section rehearsal?" Maya asked as she fastened the last piece into place.

"Yes," he said. He put his bag over his shoulder. "I better go if I'm going to make it there on time." He patted his pockets to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything.

"Can I come?" asked Maya, thinking it might give her a good opportunity to observe Marinette if she were there. The sooner she could figure out where Marinette kept the Miraculous the sooner she could put the rest of her plan into motion.

Max turned around and looked at her in surprise. "You want to come to a Kitty Section rehearsal?" he asked dubiously.

"Well, yeah. I like their music- especially the song about unicorns. And, well, I'm lonely. I haven't really met anyone here to hang out with. Would it be too weird?" she asked him, trying to sound pathetic so he would take pity on her and bring her along.

"What? No, of course not! You are certainly welcome to come. I'll introduce you to everyone. Maybe someone else knows someone, well, your age that you may have more in common with," he said, trying to be helpful.

"I thought we had a lot in common," said Maya with a smile, despite knowing what he meant. She liked to see if she could fluster him, something that was impossible to do in the future.

"Oh. Of course. I didn't mean . . ." said Max, at a loss for what to say next.

"I'm just joking. I knew what you meant. I'll just get my bag and we can go!" said Maya.

- - -

Max and Maya headed up the plank that led to Luka and Juleka's houseboat where the Kitty Section rehearsal was being held. They followed the sound of the music to the deck where the musicians had set up and were currently practicing their macaron song. Some heads turned to see who had arrived and the expressions became curious when they saw an unknown young woman with Max. Marinette already knew who the young woman was and wondered just what she was doing here. When the music stopped, Marinette stood up from the folding chair she was sitting in and walked over to greet Max.

"Hi, Max! I'm so glad you could make it this time!  Is this Lila's cousin?" she asked.

"Yes. Marinette, this is Maya. Maya, this is Marinette," said Max introducing the young women to each other.

"It's nice to meet you, Marinette," said Maya, trying to take in everything about Marinette's appearance, hoping to get some clue as to where the Miraculous could be hidden. She noted Marinette's pink and black purse and wondered if she would be able to find some way to search it. She also noticed Marinette's earrings, but while they were similar in shape to the Miraculous, they were plain and dark-colored, not red with black spots.

Marinette felt uneasy under Maya's scrutiny but replied "It's nice to meet you, too! Max has been saying how much he's been enjoying working with you this summer." She said it with a smile at Max.

"Future Rewoven" Book 3 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now