Chpt 40: The Trouble With Siblings. And a New Superhero?

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"Ugh, I can't believe the mess those girls made!" Alya muttered to herself as she strode down the sidewalk, finally heading toward Marinette's with the small bag she packed.  When she had arrived home, her parents weren't there yet and her older sister, Nora, was supposed to be watching her little sisters, but that rarely went well.  Today was no exception.  Nora had been in her room lifting weights and listening to loud music and Ella and Etta had taken complete advantage of that and had started making crazy food concoctions in the kitchen.  It was a huge mess that needed to be cleaned up before her parents got there or they would have all been in trouble.  So, Alya had directed her little sisters in the cleaning, but they had cried and complained the whole time!  They finally got everything back in order, just before her parents arrived.  She then got their permission to stay at Marinette's but Alya was gone much longer than she expected. 

She pulled out her phone to check the time and noticed the missed call and text from Adrien.

"He didn't!" she cried as soon as she read it and she quickly pulled up Nino's number and called him.

"Hey, Alya!  What's up?" asked Nino, who sounded a bit breathless.

"Are you with Adrien now or were you at least able to talk him out of it?" she asked.

"No.  Wait, what?  What do you mean?  Where is Adrien?" asked Nino.

"You mean you didn't go with him?  He went alone?!" exclaimed Alya.

"Back up.  I don't understand what's going on!"

"Adrien called me, but I missed hearing it as I was dealing with a huge mess with my sisters.  But, according to the text- the one you also got- he's gone off to his father's, apparently by himself even though he promised not to!  Did you not talk to him then?" said Alya.

"No!  I left Adrien at my house as I took Chris over to drop him at a friend's and Chris had this huge tantrum because I guess I had promised him that we'd play that racing game he loves today.  I practically had to drag him all the way there!  I guess I missed hearing the call!  I'm finally on my way home now.  What should we do?  Go over to his dad's or . . . ?" said Nino.

"I'll call Marinette first and ask her—"  She paused suddenly and said "I'm getting a call.  I'll call you back."  She hung up on Nino and answered.


"Alya, it's Marinette.  I got a call from Ladybug and she needs you and Nino to meet her.  Something's happened to Adrien.  She'll tell you, but not over the phone," said Marinette.  "And, I can't come.  I'll explain later, but I really appreciate you helping Ladybug!"

"Okay.  Where should we go?" asked Alya, wondering what was going on.

Marinette gave her directions and then she hung up.

Alya called Nino and told her what Marinette had said and where to meet Ladybug.

"Alya, what's going on?" asked Nino worriedly.

"I don't know, but we definitely don't have all the pieces to this puzzle.  Nothing is making any sense.  We'd better hurry!  See you soon!"  Alya ended the call and raced in the direction of Adrien's house.

Nino put his phone away, completely agreeing with Alya.  He was getting a really bad feeling about all of this.  He hoped Adrien was okay.

- - -

Nino caught up to Alya about a block away from their destination so they turned the corner together and saw . . . someone, but not Ladybug!

"Um, superhero girl?" called Alya, unable to think of anything else to call the figure holding what looked like a small, stringed instrument and wearing a black and cyan costume who was currently pacing in the quiet alleyway.

"Future Rewoven" Book 3 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now