Chpt 24: Just Dessert.

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"And, done!" said Maya out loud to the empty lab. She smiled at her finished tech, happy with how everything came together. She reached down and pulled out all of her finished equipment from the cabinet under the lab bench and lined it up, making sure she had everything.

"Check, check, check," she said as she went through the list in her notebook, putting a check mark by each finished item. "Yep, I've got everything! The idea seemed so simple once I thought about it- I can't believe no one ever thought of this approach to get the Miraculouses before!" She paused and looked around the lab. "Aaaand, I'm talking to myself. I really need some friends," said Maya, only half joking. She couldn't possibly trust anyone here with her plans, but she didn't really have any friends or close family back in her own time, either. At least not anyone she wanted to spend time with.  Maya frowned at that thought, before shaking her head to clear it and focus on her task.

"I just need to do a quick test and then I'm ready!" she said, getting out a large backpack and putting all the required pieces of her plan inside.  

She had just slung the heavy backpack over one shoulder when Max entered the lab, surprised to see Maya.

"I thought you were taking a lunch break at the same time I was," Max said.

"I was going to, but that tech that I was working on the other day- you know, the one to give my mind a break from the portal?- was calling and I ended up working on that instead of stopping. I'm going to head out for lunch and maybe test the tech," Maya said. She slipped the other backpack strap over her shoulder and adjusted the strap lengths to make it more comfortable.

"If it goes well I might be able to show it to you," Maya lied, knowing that she could never show Max what the tech was or he might suspect she was the villain. "So, how was lunch with Lila? And what was it, the second or third time you've had lunch together?" she asked, mainly to get Max's attention off of her and the backpack that he seemed to be closely examining rather than any real interest on her part. But, that question got his attention!

"Oh! Good, I think," he said eagerly. "And, it is the third lunch we've had. She talked more about her travels and all of the famous people she's met. It's really amazing how many countries she's been to!"

Maya had to really concentrate in order to keep her eyes from rolling at Max's naiveté and how predictable Lila was with her stories. "Well, Max, that's great! I'm really glad to hear it's going well but I'm just going to run out and pick up a sandwich and test this equipment. I'll be back in a few hours. Sorry to leave you alone, but testing this has really been on my mind a lot. I'm sure you understand!" She gave a little wave, which Max returned, and she headed out of the lab, leaving Max to his work on the portal.

- - -

"Those sandwiches were really good! Where did you get them?" asked Marinette after she finished the last bite of the picnic that Adrien had surprised her with. She gathered up the wrappers and stood up from the blanket to throw them in the trash, before sitting back down across from him on the blanket.

"Our favorite café, of course! And, I got dessert, too!" he said as he pulled a container out from behind his back and handed it to her.

Marinette's eyes widened and her mouth started to water at the thought that he might have gotten her favorite dessert from the café. "Is it . . . ?" she asked as she took the container from him. She opened it and gave a happy squeal- it was the dark chocolate mousse cake she loved!

He quirked an eyebrow at her. "You doubted me? I'm deeply hurt," he said while mock clutching his chest and falling over, as if she shot him through the heart.

She giggled and then eagerly took a bite, closed her eyes, and savored the taste before answering "No, I didn't doubt you. I know you know I love this! But, it's not always available. So sad. It should really be available every day, don't you think?"

"So, do I get a bite?" he asked her, sitting up and giving her his most charming smile.

"Hmm . . . You know how precious this is to me. What do I get in return? It will really have to be worth it," she said teasing him.

Adrien leaned over and kissed her. "Mmm . . . chocolatey." He then sat back again.

"I guess that's enough dessert for you then? I get the rest?" she asked innocently.

He took that as a challenge and leaned over to kiss her again. While he distracted her with his kiss, he quickly grabbed the fork out of her hand, sliced off a huge chunk of the dessert, ended the kiss and ate his captured chocolate in one big bite.

"Hey! No fair!" Marinette pouted, looking down at the dessert that was easily half the size it had been a moment before.

"All's fair when it comes to chocolate!" said Adrien, with his lop-sided smile. He was beginning to realize that for some reason that particular expression let him get away with just about anything. At least, when it came to Marinette anyway.

"Fine," she reluctantly conceded, unable to deny that smile anything.  "But, I can have the rest now, right?" She said it so sadly that Adrien had to nod. He knew she really did love it!

Marinette eagerly started in on the dessert and Adrien leaned back on his hands to watch her enjoy the chocolate. She was just about to take the last bite when both of their phones dinged notifications.

She groaned, but pulled out her phone. "A huge spider was spotted at the stadium? Where would that come from?" she asked, surprised.

Adrien looked at the posted photo and realized it was a really big spider! "Time to go to work!" he said as he jumped up from the blanket. He noticed the stricken expression on Marinette's face and started to become concerned until it struck him that she was just unhappy there was no time to finish her beloved dessert. "Just take the last bite- the spider will wait an extra minute!" he said, giving her the permission she needed.

Marinette put the end of the delectable dessert into her mouth, trying her best to savor it despite needing to rush. She stood up and folded the blanket, turning her head to try to figure out where to stow it until they came back. Adrien impatiently took it from her and put it in a nearby bush.

"We'll get it after," he said and then took her hand so they could find somewhere to transform. They raced across the street and down an alley. The two kwamis flew out from where they were hiding and both said accusingly together "You didn't save us any of the dessert!"  They both really loved chocolate.

"Sorry!" said Marinette guiltily while Adrien said "Later!"

"Plagg, CLAWS OUT!"

"Tikki, SPOTS ON!"

They transformed into their superhero selves, launched onto the nearest rooftop, and took off toward the stadium.

"Future Rewoven" Book 3 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now