Chpt 25: Eek! It's a Spider!

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"Finally!" said Maya upon observing Ladybug and Cat Noir appear at the top of the open air stadium's wall. She pulled up her hood and ducked further down behind the uppermost row of stadium seats to keep from being seen. She had been in this very uncomfortable position for what had seemed like forever waiting for them to show up. "Time really is strange," she muttered to herself when a quick glance at her phone showed her just how little time had actually passed. Only fifteen minutes since the giant spider first appeared, but it had definitely felt like an eternity! While she'd been waiting her thoughts had focused on the police and how they'd put up barriers around the stadium to keep people out, but none of them had ventured inside. Had the police become cowardly now that the city had Ladybug and Cat Noir? What are they going to do without their superheroes in the future? she had wondered. But, now that the superheroes were here, it was finally time to stop thinking and move onto doing!

"Wow! That's one big spider," said Cat Noir, staring down at the spider that was at least as big as a car.

Ladybug turned toward him. "You don't have arachnophobia do you? I prefer to know that now rather than when we are in the middle of fighting it," she said.

He gave her a big grin. "Nope! But, I'm practically purr-fect, you know! Not much that I fear!"

"Perfect. Really?" she said, making it clear that she knew that not to be true.

Cat Noir turned his lop-sided smile on for her. "Yes. Who else but a purr-fect boyfriend would know what super chocolatey dessert to bring his girlfriend?"

Ladybug made herself ignore the pull of that smile. "I'm pretty sure a perfect boyfriend would not eat half of the beloved dessert in one bite, depriving said girlfriend from enjoying every . . . single . . . mouthful of the dessert she dreams about," Ladybug retorted, emphasizing just what she had lost today. "But, it's time to focus now, Kitty, to figure out what we should do." She started to watch the spider.

Cat followed her gaze. "You know, the fact that no villain has shown up and this spider isn't really doing anything is making me wonder whether our future villain is behind this. What do you think?"

"I think that I'm feeling impatient and ready to get on with things. Lucky Charm!" cried Ladybug, waiting to see what helpful item was going to drop out of the sky. She reached up and grabbed a red and black spotted boomerang out of the air.

"Awww!" complained Cat Noir loudly, examining the item. "Why couldn't that have been a black boomerang for me? That would be so fun!" he said, referring to the black lucky charms that now occasionally appeared for Cat to use when Ladybug called for Lucky Charm help.

At Cat's exclamation, the spider turned toward them and gave out a loud screech. "Okay, now I may have arachnophobia," Cat joked, watching the spider that seemed so much more menacing now that it was focused on them.

Ladybug scanned the spider and the stadium, trying to figure out what to use the boomerang on, but nothing stood out to her yet. "Let's get a little closer. Maybe I can figure out what this is for then," she said, waving the Lucky Charm around.

They bounded down to the field and stopped about thirty feet from the spider. It seemed to notice them and slowly moved forward, continuing to screech loudly.

Maya had been straining her ears to try to hear what the superheroes had been talking about for so long, but had been unable to catch anything of what they had said. She had been starting to wonder if she was going to have to adjust her plan to compensate for their inaction when they finally started doing exactly as she had expected. She positioned herself between two seats so she could see her targets and then raised her "gun". She tracked Ladybug's movements for a few minutes and then when Ladybug was finally in her sights, she fired off the "gun" sending the ammunition flying toward her target.

"Future Rewoven" Book 3 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now