Chpt 9: Adrienette's Irregulars.

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They had managed to push two tables together at the very busy café and now sat perusing the menus. The girls kept giving Marinette and Adrien surreptitious glances over their menus, making Marinette wonder if the girls would ever choose what they wanted to order. She decided she needed to take charge.

She put her menu down, folded her hands on top of the menu, and said "Is everyone ready to order?" The girls were startled out of their adoration and swiftly put down their menus. They quickly nodded as they all had their regulars, so they knew what they wanted to order even without menus.

After they placed their orders Marinette gave Adrien a little nudge with her elbow to encourage him to talk. Adrien had no idea what to say to the girls until an idea popped into his head. "So, you watch my house pretty often then?" he asked them, trying to include all of the girls in his question.

The girls exchanged glances, wondering what to say. Eventually, Odette spoke up, "Well, yes, when we have time."

"You do know that I'm not currently living there though, right? Since you've seen me at Marinette's?"

Odette slowly nodded. "Well, we weren't completely sure, but we thought that might be the case as we haven't seen you much recently at your house."

"But, you've noticed other people going in and out the of the house?" Adrien continued.

Odette seemed confused at the question and looked to her friends for help. They all just shrugged.

"I guess, though we don't really make note of anyone who isn't you or Marinette," Odette replied.

"Would you be willing to?" Adrien asked, wondering if the girls might be able to help them.

"You mean, like be your 'Baker Street Irregulars'?" asked Celie excitedly. She felt everyone look over at her and she turned a bright pink under their scrutiny.

"Baker Street.  Like Sherlock Holmes?" asked Adrien, intrigued by what Celie said.

"Yes, like the kids that Sherlock Holmes paid to collect intelligence for him. I mean, we wouldn't need to be paid, and we're not street children, or boys, or in Victorian England, but yeah, we could collect information for you!" said Celie, thinking that would be great fun.

The girls started to chatter excitedly. Adrien held up his hands to get their attention. Marinette snorted quietly, amused at how quickly they came to attention for him.

"You would be willing to do that for us?" he asked them, a little surprised at their devotion.

"Sure! Yes! Absolutely!" came the replies.

"What kind of information are you hoping for?" asked Celie, getting a notepad and pen out of the small bag she always carried with her. She peered up at him inquiringly.

Adrien looked over at Marinette, wondering just what they were interested in knowing.

Marinette thought about what to say. "Maybe you could just give us a description of any of the people you see coming or going from the house. Only when you feel like watching, of course! Please don't make this the only thing you do this summer! We don't even know if it is important." Strangely, the girls didn't even ask why they wanted this information. Marinette wasn't sure what she would tell them either.

Celie jotted down their assignment. "We'll also write down the date and time. If we see something suspicious should we contact you right away or when do you want us to give you this information?" she asked, secretly hoping she would be able to call Marinette or Adrien directly with any exciting news. Whatever that might be.

"Why don't you send the notes with Odette when she comes to my house? We really appreciate this!" said Marinette, noticing Celie's face fall at that. She wondered whether the girls would be able to uncover anything that could help her and Adrien understand the change in Gabriel.

With the assignment settled, everyone started in on their desserts and beverages when they arrived and then the girls went on to ask them a variety of questions. Marinette immediately got a little insight into their personalities. Odette was obviously into fashion and design and currently felt she was the leader of their group, since she talked with Marinette regularly. Celie was really into reading and loved mystery and adventure stories. No wonder she was so easy to convince to help them! Jessa seemed to be a bundle of energy, never quite sitting still. Marinette suspected she was probably an athlete, but the conversation never came around to that. And, she loved trying new hairstyles on anyone that would let her. Marguerite was a little more difficult to figure out. She was definitely the quietest in the group, though Marinette remembered that she was often the one that had her camera out. Maybe she liked to observe the world through her photos? She wasn't sure.

When Marinette saw that Adrien seemed too overwhelmed by all of the attention, she pushed back her chair. "I think we should probably go. We can walk you back to Marguerite's though, if you want?"

The girls nodded. They all paid their bills and followed Marinette and Adrien outside and down the block to Marguerite's.

"We'll see you all later! Have a good night and thanks again!" said Marinette once they reached Marguerite's.

"Yes, thanks!" said Adrien, sincerely appreciating their help.

The girls said goodbye and headed inside leaving Adrien and Marinette alone on the sidewalk.

"Wow, I am in girl overload now! Is that a normal evening with a group of girls? They all talk so enthusiastically and so fast I have trouble keeping up. I'm exhausted!" said Adrien, slumping slightly.

"I better take you home. Can you make it by yourself or do I need to pick you up and carry you?" Marinette joked.

"I wouldn't mind you carrying me, but I suspect that would require transforming and I suppose that is not what our powers are for, right?" he joked in return, but at the same time remembering how it felt to be carried by Ladybug in the past.  He wouldn't mind a repeat of that!

Marinette laughed and shook her head. "Tikki would definitely not approve!"  She took his hand and led him home.

"Future Rewoven" Book 3 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now