Chpt 20: An Uncertain Ladybug.

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Alya and Nino watched Ladybug pace back and forth in front of them as they sat on the bench at the little hidden park where they sometimes met.  She had asked them both to meet her here early this morning, but had yet to say anything.

"Um, Ladybug?  What's going on?" asked Alya, wishing the superhero would just get on with whatever bad news she had for them.

Ladybug stopped pacing and looked at them both, a slight pink tinge forming on her cheeks.

Now Alya was even more curious as to what was going on.  "Just how bad is it?" she asked Ladybug.

"That's just it.  I'm not really sure and I don't even know whether it's important or not and now that I'm here, I can't decide whether I should ask you what I was going to or just . . ."

Alya shared a confused look with Nino.  This indecisive person standing in front of them sounded nothing like the usual Ladybug who was always in control and always had a plan.  She sounded more like . . . Marinette, thought Alya, never expecting she would ever be comparing Ladybug to her best friend.  As much as she loved her friend, Marinette and Ladybug were generally nothing alike.  At all.  Though apparently that was not the case today.

"Why don't you just tell us?" said Nino quietly.

"Yeah, we're ready to hear whatever you need to tell us," said Alya, nodding in agreement.

Ladybug took a breath and said "Could you two please keep an eye on Adrien?  I mean, when you can."

"Adrien?" said Nino and Alya together. Why was Ladybug talking about Adrien? They were completely baffled.

"Like, why?  Is somebody after him or something?  Should we let him know?  Does it have something to do with how weird his father has been acting lately?" asked Nino once he recovered from his confusion and the thoughts started flying through his head.

Ladybug blinked at Nino in surprise before answering.  "Well, yes.  Possibly.  I'm not really sure.  That's why I couldn't decide whether to tell you.  I've learned some things that seem to indicate that someone may be targeting Adrien and it may be related to his father, but I don't have any real facts and I don't want to tell Adrien, as I don't want him to worry.  Um . . . Cat Noir. . . um . . . talked to Adrien the other day and says that Adrien . . . and his father seem to be forming a closer relationship and Adrien is feeling kind of . . . sensitive about any questioning about why his father is changing his ways, so . . ."  Ladybug trailed off.  She had never felt less confident as Ladybug as she did at this moment.

"So, you just want us to watch out for him when we have time?  Anything more to go on than that?" asked Alya wondering just what was going on with Ladybug today.

"Maybe make note of whether a girl named Lila Rossi is around, too.  She may be involved," said Ladybug.

Alya stared at Ladybug incredulously.  Now she really did sound like Marinette who was always suspicious of Lila, even when there has never been any proof that Lila has ever done anything!

"Have you been talking with Marinette?" Alya asked her, suspicious as to where all of this was coming from.  Maybe Marinette somehow talked Ladybug into this and that is why Ladybug doesn't sound like herself today!

Alya noticed Ladybug blush again and was pretty sure her suspicions were correct. 

"Yes, but what she said made sense, but I can't tell you all that she said.  She was just worried about Adrien- especially since they got into a big fight when she brought up his father.  It wouldn't hurt any of us to just pay closer attention to him when we can, would it?" Ladybug asked them.

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