Chpt 12: Wayzz Confesses.

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"Do you have any updates on the lost villain?" Master Fu asked, looking over at Marinette and Adrien as they all sipped their tea.

"Actually, yes, we might.  We've been looking into the scientist cousin of a girl at our school," said Marinette between sips of tea.

Master Fu looked at them in confusion.  "A cousin of someone you presently know?  How can that be?" he asked them.  Marinette was usually very good at solving problems and viewing things from angles others would not think to, however there was nothing that made sense to him in that statement.

Adrien threw Marinette a glance that said "See, I'm not the only one who thought your idea was crazy!"

Marinette chose to ignore that look and instead presented Master Fu with the evidence that led her to that conclusion and where they were so far in their investigation.  She left out the part about how much she hated Lila, figuring that wouldn't help her case.

"I see.  So you do not believe it is a coincidence that this young woman, Maya, just appeared at the same time that the future villain possibly became trapped in our time, because she has no online presence and appears to be working on research related to something futuristic. And you believe that this woman is not actually your classmate's cousin. Yes, I can understand your logic," he said as he slowly nodded to Marinette.

Marinette shot back an "I told you so!" expression to Adrien.  He just gave her a conciliatory smile, as really, he was starting to believe her.

"However, why would this girl classmate of yours . . . what is her name?"

"Lila," said Marinette and Adrien at the same time.

"Lila.  Why would she take in a strange woman and pass her off as her cousin?" asked Master Fu.

"Oh.  Well . . ." Marinette faltered.  She hadn't actually thought about that.  Hmm . . . why would Lila do that?

"Well, we did see her sort of arguing with Maya out in front of the school," said Adrien.  He thought back to what they heard that day as Marinette had tried to unobtrusively walk them closer to Lila to listen in on the conversation.

"Didn't she say something about not believing Maya?" Marinette said to Adrien.  He shared a glance with her and slowly nodded.

"And then Maya showed her something and whatever she showed her seemed to change her mind.  But, then we had to go into class, so we didn't hear any more," said Adrien.

"Would it be possible that whatever she showed her convinced Lila she was from the future?  Or . . ." she continued slowly as the idea formed in her head "Maybe even that she was a future relative?" said Marinette excitedly.

"That could explain it," mused Adrien, thinking that could be a good explanation to tie everything together.

Master Fu nodded.  "That is a possible explanation. What else are you doing to monitor this scientist's behavior and determine whether you are correct about her?" asked Master Fu.

"I've been talking a lot with our friend, Max, who is working with Maya this summer on her research.  We figure we can find out more about the research and keep tabs on her that way," said Adrien.

Master Fu nodded in agreement.  "And there has been no more need for Ladybug and Cat Noir recently?" he asked to make sure he hadn't missed hearing about any other trouble in the city.

"No, nothing of note recently," said Marinette, "Though we have been patrolling fairly regularly in hopes of running into the villain."

"It's been pretty boring, really," said Adrien.  "No need for our powers.  No black lucky charms, either.  I miss those," he said, wondering what other fun items he'd been missing out on using. He had really loved that bird whistle- the one he had gotten when Ladybug had called for her Lucky Charm and that he had gotten to use to distract the villain while Ladybug snuck up behind the villain and tied him up!

"Future Rewoven" Book 3 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now