Chpt 39: A Gathering of Kwamis.

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Wayzz heard a knock on the door and zoomed back to the kitchen where Master Fu was making tea. "Someone is here, Master," he said.

Master Fu turned his head away from the boiling kettle, nodded, and turned off the stove before heading over to answer the door.

"Marinette! What are you doing here? Come in, come in!" he said as he opened the door wide for her. Plagg flew out of her purse and zoomed in. "And with Plagg," he said slowly. He paused before the realization of what that meant occurred to him. "What has happened?"

Master Fu watched Marinette stride in and start pacing around the room. He closed the door and then braced himself for the bad news.

"Gabriel drugged Adrien and stole his Miraculous, but Plagg was able to escape before he activated it. Maya froze me and stole Tikki and the Miraculous- and my necklace," she added, outraged. Somehow Maya taking her personal jewelry that was given to her by Adrien seemed worse. Why would she do that?!

She continued quickly pacing, trying to keep all the horrible thoughts about what might have happened to Adrien out of her mind. Was he just drugged or is it worse? Will he be okay? Gabriel wouldn't have killed him would he? She shook her head to get the images out of her mind and then let out her stream of conscience Miraculous knowledge, trying to distract herself with words. "So, I'm here to collect Wayzz and Trixx for Nino and Alya and then get Miraculous back-ups for me and Adrien. I was leaning toward Sass and Kaalki. Does anyone disagree with those choices?" Her breathing started to come faster and her heart started racing. "I was thinking I may need as many second chances as I can get, since I don't have my normal, comfortable powers and I'm pretty sure Xuppu and Adrien wouldn't get along that well and the power of the Monkey Miraculous seems like it might be hard for Adrien to get the hang of anyway and the teleportation feature of the horse could be useful as we don't really know how Gabriel might confront us. I mean, since he can't currently use the Cat Miraculous because Plagg isn't there but maybe he already has Tikki—"

Master Fu and Wayzz stopped and stared at Marinette as she rattled off word after word, completely surprised by how she was acting, which was more frenetic than they had ever seen her. The old man and kwami exchanged glances, uncertain what to do. Master Fu was about to try to interrupt her path when Plagg took charge.

"Marinette, stop!" shouted Plagg, flying in front of her face, desperately trying to snap her out of whatever spiral she was now in. They all needed Marinette to be in control to fix everything. "It's going to be okay. We're going to get them both back!" He gently touched her cheek and he saw the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Plagg, what if . . . what if . . ." she choked out. Plagg put his arm across her lips to keep her from saying the words.

"No," Plagg said gently as he looked her in the eyes. "Not gonna happen. Don't even say it. You can do this. You've rescued this Kitty more times than I can count and you'll do it again. You just need to focus and use that amazing brain of yours. I've met countless Ladybugs and none can compare to you. You've been so brave even when you felt scared and uncertain. You've come up with the craziest plans I've ever seen, but they always work. You are a leader and a superhero in and out of costume. Today won't be any different. You can do this even without your Ladybug powers. But, you need to focus. We will help you, but you need to lead."

Marinette took a deep breath and nodded, not trusting herself to speak yet.

Master Fu took her arm and guided her to her place on the mat and helped her to sit. "I believe the Miraculous choices of the Snake and the Horse are good ones." He then walked over to the Miracle Box, punched in the code, and removed the Fox, Snake, and Horse before returning to the mat. Master Fu handed the Snake bracelet to Marinette, which she put on allowing Sass to join them and then he put on the Horse glasses and Fox necklace so Kaalki and Trixx could be in on the conversation. He thought it best if all of the kwamis were aware of what was happening.  He then sat down on the mat.

The kwamis took in the sober expressions on the faces in the room and made note of the fact that Tikki and Adrien were not there and immediately knew that this was not a social call.

"How can we help?" asked the gray and white horse-like kwami called Kaalki, directing her question to Master Fu.

Master Fu filled them in on what happened and Kaalki nodded in understanding that she was to help Adrien comprehend how to use the Miraculous powers as fast as possible once he put the glasses on. There was no time for pleasantries or questions.

"Ladybug, we will do everything in our power to help you," said Sass, the sea green snake-like kwami, with a bow.

"That's right! You can rely on us!" said Trixx.

"Thank you everyone," said Marinette. "We need to go now," she said as she opened her purse for Sass who flew in. Master Fu removed the Fox, Horse, and Turtle Miraculouses and gave them to Marinette, who handed them to Sass for safe keeping. Plagg started to fly into the purse, but Marinette blocked him by closing the purse.

"You know you can't. Gabriel would be able to use your Miraculous if you showed up and we can't let him. I wish you could come," she said as she scooped Plagg up and snuggled him against her cheek. "Please stay here. I will rescue Tikki. I promise!"

Plagg was frustrated, but his brain knew she was right. His heart, on the other hand . . .

Master Fu waved Plagg over to him and he obeyed, hovering by Master Fu's shoulder.

"Good luck, Marinette!" said Master Fu, smiling encouragingly.

"Thank you. Adrien and I will talk to you soon," she said, trying to sound confident.

Master Fu nodded and he and Plagg watched her leave.

"Come, Plagg. Help me set out all of the ingredients that Wayzz and I have collected in case the day has finally come where we can repair the Peacock." Master Fu walked across the room to get the supplies.

Plagg watched the door for a minute as his brain and heart fought over what to do. He then sighed and flew over to Master Fu. He was content, for the moment, to help Master Fu get everything ready until the time came for the final decision. He wondered which one- head or heart- was going to win in the end.

"Future Rewoven" Book 3 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now