Chpt 18: A New Partnership for Gabriel and Lila.

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Maya turned her head toward the apartment door as she heard the lock being turned.  Lila opened the door and came in carrying some shopping bags, with more than one of them from expensive designer shops. Maya surmised that Lila had spent the afternoon doing something other than working. Again.

"How exactly are you able to buy anything from those shops?" asked Maya suspiciously, raising her eyebrows at what even she knew were really expensive stores.

"Oh, these?" said Lila innocently, bringing the bags over so she could sit next to Maya on the couch.  Maya turned off the TV and directed her attention to her grandmother.  "You'll never guess what I was able to find on sale!  You remember that purse that was in the window- the one I pointed out to you the other day?" asked Lila, reaching down into one of the bags.

"Yes, and I remember just how expensive the tag said it was, since you dragged me inside to take a closer look.  And neither of us have enough money to buy that, in this time anyway!" Maya exclaimed.

Lila waved her hands, dismissing what Maya said.  "Ta-daa!" she said, holding it up for Maya to see, but all Maya was interested in was the price tag which she leaned over to grab and look at, confirming her observations. 

"Even the sale price is way more than you can afford.  So, where did you get the money?" asked Maya sternly, letting go of the tag.

"Well, I'm the one that did all of the work to get your money.  I'm entitled to a bit, too!" said Lila defensively as she gently caressed the purse.  Lila's phone dinged a notification.  She set the new purse on the coffee table and got her phone out of her old one.  She tried not to show her apprehension at who had just texted her.  G.A.!  Did Mr. Agreste somehow know I was misusing his money? Her heart started to beat a bit faster as she read the text.  He wants to meet with me immediately!  Lila started to worry but she sweetly smiled over at Maya and said "Mr. Agreste would like to meet with me right now, so I better get over there."

She put the new purse safely back in the shopping bag and gathered up all of the bags, taking them to her room to hide.  Her mother would definitely wonder how she could afford these things if she saw the bags.  Luckily, her mother wasn't around much and hardly noticed anything that Lila had- she could easily tell her mom that the new bag was a knock-off and her mom would believe it!

As Lila walked back into the living room something occurred to her about what Gabriel may be wanting to talk about.  "Oh, Maya?  How is the plan to get the Miraculouses coming along?  I'm sure that Mr. Agreste is expecting an update."

Nice of her to finally remember that part!  But wasn't she supposed to be helping with that? thought Maya, wishing she could say her thoughts out loud.  Instead she said "You can reassure him that it's all going according to plan and we should have them soon."  Of course, I'm not going to tell them that I'm not planning to hand them over once I retrieve them!

Lila smiled at her.  "Great!  I'll let him know.  I'm sure he'll be pleased!  I'll be back in time for dinner- maybe you can start something when you finish up whatever it is you are doing?  Byee!" 

Maya watched her grandmother head out the door, hardly able to wait until she could finally get away from her! Soon!

- - -

Gabriel stood at his office window,  a slow anger at Adrien simmering beneath the surface.  How dare he not respond to my texts immediately!  I will not be ignored!  Suddenly something outside the window caught his eye- a figure was racing across the mansion's courtyard, reddish hair billowing out behind, indicating hastiness on the part of the girl.  That is what I expect!  He looked at his watch.  He had texted Lila Rossi ten minutes ago and she was already here.  This girl has more respect and fear of me than my former son. Just what I deserve!  He turned away from the window and changed his expression to a cold and calm one, ready to discuss his business.

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