Chpt 13: Duusu Remembers Something.

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Master Fu closed the door behind Marinette and Adrien, but didn't turn around right away.

Wayzz noticed and frowned before asking "What is it, Master?"

"What?" Master Fu asked distractedly. He was feeling unsettled after telling Adrien that they had been unable to figure out how to save his mother and Nathalie. Was it because he was feeling as if they had failed Adrien? He closed his eyes and took a few slow breaths to clear his mind. No, that wasn't it. But, something wasn't right- perhaps some piece of information was missed? He shook his head at the feeling and then turned to face Wayzz. "What was that, Wayzz?" he asked, still trying to determine what was bothering him.

"Is something wrong?" asked Wayzz, concerned.

"No, nothing is . . ." Master Fu paused as something occurred to him. "Yes, you are right, Wayzz. Something is wrong. I cannot quite put my finger on it. But, I believe I know who might be able to help me. Wayzz, will you please go into the Miracle box and ask Duusu to join us?"

Wayzz's brow furrowed. "Duusu? How can he help you?  Have more of his memories of his time with Mrs. Agreste returned?"  Wayzz tried to push down a slight feeling of jealousy that Master Fu was asking another kwami, and not him, for help.

"Please bring him here and I am hoping it will become clear after I speak with him," said Master Fu.

"Yes, Master," said Wayzz while bowing his head. He flew through the phonograph's horn that was the entrance to the Miracle box. When he appeared in the pocket dimension that was "inside" the box, all of the kwamis looked up at him from where they were keeping themselves occupied until they were called upon to power their Miraculouses. Many of the kwamis flew over to greet him, curious as to why he was there, as he spent most of his time with Master Fu.

"It is nice to see you all, too! But, I am here at Master Fu's request. He has sent me to find Duusu. Does anyone know where he is?"

As soon as he asked the question, a voice answered from behind a large pocket watch, one of the many random items lying about. "Here I am!" the voice trilled loudly. Duusu, a blue and crimson peacock-like kwami flew over to Wayzz. "Am I needed?" he asked excitedly. He hadn't used his powers since he had been recovered from Miss Nathalie, who Duusu really liked as a person, despite her using the Miraculous for evil. It had been a very difficult thing for Duusu to understand- how he could like the person but not their actions.

Since being brought back home he had been meeting regularly with Master Fu to try to help recover his memories, which had helped, though some memories were still incomplete. But, now, he was excited to get to do something new. It was a little too boring in the Miracle box.  At least, he thought he was going to do something new because Wayzz had never been sent to get him before.

"Yes, you are needed in a way. Master Fu needs to talk to you," said Wayzz.

Duusu's demeanor deflated a bit at the news- not quite what he was hoping for- but he perked up again at the thought of getting outside anyway. "Lead the way, Wayzz!" he giggled at how the two words sounded one after the other.

Wayzz tried not to roll his eyes at Duusu who had always been a little quirky and seen things differently. Wayzz preferred a little more decorum. Wayzz turned around and headed toward the exit of the box. He could hear Duusu behind him, enthusiastically saying goodbye to what seemed like every kwami in the box.

Duusu flew out of the box behind Wayzz and headed over toward where Master Fu was sitting on the mat. He landed at the spot Master Fu indicated and accepted a tiny cup of tea and some cookies from Wayzz. Always one of the best benefits of getting to talk to Master Fu! Duusu thought as he took a bite of the delicious ginger cookie.

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