Chpt 33: Lila Finally Gets Scared. Marguerite's Observations.

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Lila nervously entered her employer's study. She knew she was late, but when he had unexpectedly texted her, wanting her to come over immediately, she knew she better have the most recent update about the Miraculous plan so she had to stop by the lab first. Now that she knew Maya didn't have anything new to tell her, except for the fake spider story, she was feeling very panicky. She wasn't sure which plan Gabriel was wanting to talk about, Adrien or the Miraculous, but she knew neither was going well. For the first time in her life she didn't know how she was going to spin this in her favor and she was feeling sick to her stomach.

"Mr. Agreste?" she called as she poked her head around the door, expecting to see him at his computer or the window, both of which seemed to be his favorite places in the room.  She almost let out a scream when she realized he was standing right in front of the door.

"Miss Rossi," Gabriel said in an oily voice. He sneered at her. "I wasn't sure that you would deign to show up here. You must know I am displeased with your progress."

Lila very much wanted to back out of the room and run away from the man in front of her. Something about him scared her today. She took one step back and then saw the photographer she had worked with before and felt some of her confidence return. Mr. Agreste wouldn't do anything in front of this other man, right? She said it to try to reassure herself. She did not feel reassured though when she saw the smirk on the man's face.

"I always follow through on my bargains, Mr. Agreste," said Lila, looking Gabriel straight in the eye and trying to sound confident.

Gabriel had seen the fear cross Lila's face. He hoped that would encourage her to get him everything that he wanted. And soon.

"I am sending you and Mr. Smith," Gabriel made it clear that he found the photographer's alias lacking in creativity, "Out today to get the photos that you promised me. I expect to be impressed. And, I expect that you will be delivering what else you promised me very soon. I am tired of waiting."

"Of course, Mr. Agreste," said Lila, feeling a little relieved now that he didn't ask for a Miraculous update. "My team and I are just about ready to implement the plan, after the spider test. You will get what you want. I promise." She put on her brilliant smile, the one that always served her so well.

"I do not care about promises. I care about the delivery into my hands of the two things I need. Now, go, and get me what I paid for!" said Gabriel, raising his voice.

Lila started to shake, but she nodded once to assure him that she understood and then practically ran out the door.

Mr. Smith, however, just gave Gabriel a smile and sauntered after the girl.

I really dislike that man! But, he has been reliable in the past. He deserves another chance. Miss Rossi, however . . .

Lila raced away from the Agreste mansion and kept running until she was out of the gate and standing safely on the sidewalk. She was still shaking and pacing there when Mr. Smith joined her.

"Ready to do this?" he asked Lila.

"What exactly do I have to do?" she asked him.

They spoke quietly for a few moments before heading off down the street together.

- - -

Marguerite was sitting at the window taking photos of interesting people she saw on the street. She loved watching people go about their day and then capturing one moment in time- maybe when someone's face lit up when they unexpectedly met a friend, or the unhappiness they felt when that first drop of rain hit and they realized they forgot their umbrella. People were so expressive! She was scanning for one of those moments when she noticed a young woman running away from Adrien's house.

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