Chpt 22: Plans are Put Into Motion.

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Adrien was heading back home after being beaten by Nino at basketball when he heard someone calling his name. He stopped walking and looked around, eventually seeing someone quickly walking toward him. He tried not to groan when he recognized who it was.

"Adrien!" called Lila again as she got closer. She was heading over to meet him when she tripped and started to fall. Adrien raced over to her and caught her in his arms, and Lila leaned into him and steadied herself by grasping his upper arms. She looked up at him and smiled. "I'm so sorry! But, thank you so much for catching me!" she said sweetly, but making no movement towards standing back up on her own.

Adrien sighed, wondering just what Lila was up to.  He helped Lila to stand and then took a step back from her.  "Hi, Lila," he said, trying to keep his voice light.  "How has your summer been going so far?"

"Oh, it's been busy with my cousin and Max," she replied brightly.

"Oh, right. I heard that you have become a savvy business woman- finding funding from a local business man! Is that right?" asked Adrien, wondering if he could get information directly from her, since he had been unsuccessful with Max so far.

"Yes, you're right. I really wanted to help Maya and Max find some money. They have some interesting research that they wanted to do, but no way to pay for it," she said, seeming to glance briefly to the left before returning her attention to him.

Adrien tried to nonchalantly look in the direction she did, but only saw a crowd of people. Nothing stood out to him. "So, what kind of research are they doing?" he asked her.

"Oh, it's top secret!" she said, putting one finger to her lips. She then reached out and touched the finger to his cheek.

Adrien quickly pulled back from her touch. "Lila, what are you doing?"

Lila giggled. "Sorry! You just had a smudge on your cheek! It's better now!" She pushed her hair back from her face.

Adrien was tempted to leave and remove himself from her strange behavior, but he wanted to try one more time to get some information. "You know, I have a musical project I am interested in getting funded. Any chance the businessman you talked to would be willing to fund me, too? Could you tell me his name?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Adrien, but the donor wants to remain anonymous." Lila turned her head slightly to the side and gave a little nod. "I was actually on my way somewhere when I ran into you, so I have to go. It was so nice talking with you! Byee!" she said as she hurriedly crossed the street and turned the corner.

That was all really weird! he thought. I probably shouldn't mention it to Marinette as it will just increase her suspicion and worry and I didn't manage to learn anything anyway! He resumed walking toward home, trying to think exactly what Lila could have been up to.

- - -

It didn't actually take too long to find out what Lila had been up to.

Adrien was in his room practicing the piano when his phone dinged a notification. He picked up the phone from where he had set it on top of the piano and saw the message was from Nino.

Nino: What were you doing with Lila?!

What does that mean? Adrien wondered. And how would he even know that I saw her today?

Adrien: What do you mean? I ran into her this afternoon after basketball. We talked.

Nino: Okay, but that is not at all what it looked like!

Adrien was about to ask what he meant by that when a photo showed up. It looked like he and Lila were having a romantic moment- he had her in his arms and they looked like they were about to kiss!

"Future Rewoven" Book 3 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now