Chpt 10: A Summery Kitty Section Rehearsal.

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"Summer days, starry nights . . ." sang Rose in her aggressive rock style that was in complete contrast to the song's lyrics. Marinette stretched out her legs on the beach towel she was sharing with Adrien. The band's rehearsal had a beach theme, complete with fruity umbrella drinks and some beach balls that she and her friends occasionally hit around the boat between song practices. They were celebrating the first get together of the summer on Juleka's family's houseboat and Marinette was completely appreciating getting to relax with her friends.

She looked over at Adrien, who seemed to be enjoying listening to the rehearsal, despite wearing ear plugs. She wished she had remembered to bring her own- while she loved the band, they could be just the teeniest bit loud! Adrien saw her looking at him and smiled at her.

The song came to an end and Marinette, Adrien, Alya, Nino, and Mylène all whooped and cheered their appreciation.

"Thanks everyone for your support!" said Rose. "I think it's time for a break!" The band all put down their instruments on the makeshift stage and Rose and Juleka walked over to get some refreshments, before joining their friends on the beach towels scattered around the boat.

Luka, Juleka's blue-haired brother who played guitar in the band, didn't follow the rest of the band to the refreshments but instead was leading a girl toward Marinette's and Adrien's beach towel.  "Hey, Marinette! Adrien! I'd like you to meet Shelby who joined the band on piano last week," said Luka stopping near them and introducing a tall girl with rainbow streaked hair.

The girl smiled at them and Marinette and Adrien stood up and greeted her. Adrien pulled out his earplugs, stuffing them in his pocket.

"I heard that you had played piano with the band before, Adrien. I hope there are no hard feelings?" Shelby asked, looking concerned. She didn't want to cause any problems with Luka and his friends. Everybody had been so nice to her!

Adrien smiled, "No, it was really just a one-time thing, so no worries," he said, trying to reassure her. "I'm actually playing in a totally different genre this summer- my focus is all classical. Well, at least in my lessons. I may play some other things at home, just don't tell my teacher that!"

Shelby laughed. "I had a teacher like that once. I pretty much decided that wasn't for me and switched to a more open-minded one."

"Well, luckily I do like classical and I'm learning a lot. Plus, it's the only kind of lessons my father will pay for, so there's that," said Adrien, trying not to make a big deal out of it.

Shelby wasn't sure what to say to that and she looked to Luka for help.

"Adrien's father is a bit . . . controlling," said Luka, trying to explain the situation to Shelby. "Is that what you would say, Adrien?" asked Luka, not wanting to offend him, but not really sure how else to describe Gabriel.

"Yeah, you could say that," Adrien confirmed, with a small laugh.

"So, how many new songs do you guys have?" asked Marinette, trying to change the subject.

"Three, though Rose is still trying to refine the lyrics to one of them. They're all summer themed, including one about macarons. She's become kind of obsessed with them!" said Luka.

"Okay, that is different. I'm going to go ask her about that one!" said Marinette, heading across the boat towards Rose.

"Where's Max?" asked Luka, scanning the boat for him. "I was hoping to introduce Shelby to everyone, but I haven't seen him yet."

"He's doing that science research this summer with Lila's cousin and he mentioned he may not always make it to things like he hoped, depending on how busy she kept him. That's probably why," he said, checking his phone to make sure he hadn't missed a text from Max.

"Future Rewoven" Book 3 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now