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 ❝ And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head  ❞

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 ❝ And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head  

Fai drives us to my home and before he can even come to a full stop, I say, "No."

He puts his feet down, but I don't do the same. "God help me, Fai, if you don't take me to that goddamn bar right at this moment." I'm angry as hell. Angry because Harper was in danger tonight. Angry that she's alone there, alone and afraid, not knowing what's going on. I'll be damned if anyone's keeping me away.

"I'll make sure Harper gets home safe," Fai says with a calm voice.

I punch him in the shoulder. "No, I'll make sure she gets home safe. She's my family, I'm looking out for her!"

Fai turns to look at me, giving me an angry glare. "And who's going to look out for you?" he asks with a bitter tone.

I don't dwell on his comment too much. "Me!" I reply. "I can take a taxi there. Or bus. But you're not keeping me away, you hear me? I'm involved in this and I'm fighting back."

Fai groans to himself, now pissed, too. "Can you just get the hell off and stop causing problems for me? The longer we're arguing here, the more things could happen to you cousin."

And don't I know that. "Drive, Fai. I have a knife I'm not afraid to use; even on you if it means getting what I want."

He lets out one last frustrated growl and afterwards, we're on our way to the bar.

It's not that far from here and when we reach it, Fai doesn't even come to a full stop and I'm already jumping down, pulling the helmet off my head and running straight towards the bar. "Kadie, wait! Goddamn it," I hear Fai behind me, but I don't stop.

He grabs my arm, stalling me and I give him an exasperated, annoyed look. "Stop playing my goddamn hero, Fai," I say, more pissed at the situation than at him.

He clenches jaw, but he doesn't bother saying anything back, yet he doesn't go of my arm either, walking one step in before me, which pisses me off, but his hold only tightens when I want him to release me and I just stop bothering because I have enough of everything today.

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