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❝ 'Cause what about, what about angels? 

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❝ 'Cause what about, what about angels? 

They will come, they will go, make us special❞

I can count on the fingers on my one hand of how many times I've cried in my life. I guess I could call it an accomplishment, although, at this moment, it doesn't feel like it. When I start crying, I hardly know how to stop. I just don't know how to.

I'm in the hospital, watching the sunrise. I've been crying for hours now, ever since I came to the hospital and was hit with the news.

There was an accident. The words keep echoing in my head. Fai? I asked. It's Harper. I want to scream. I want to scream again because, apparently, I didn't scream enough before.

It's Harper. There was an accident. It's Harper. She didn't make it.

I couldn't believe it. I still can't. It didn't make sense.

How? How could it be her? It can't be her! You're all wrong. Shut up.

But it was her. It was her because they gave me the photo they found there. A photo of Jon and her together, the same one I printed out for her. She put the photo in the frame, but the glass was now broken. I think she wanted to give the photo to Jon today, probably as a gift to their victory.

And their victory never came.

I put my fingers on the window glass, looking at the sunrise through my blurry vision. I think I've never seen a sunrise this beautiful in my life. Funny it chose this day to be this pretty. The day I lost everything and everyone. As if the sun is mocking me today.

There was an accident. It's Harper.

They were on their way back. All of them happy, unsuspecting. Happy it was over. Jon went to get Harper because she was supposed to go and celebrate with us.

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