Chapter 1

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Harry was eating breakfast with Ron and Hermione at the Gryffindor table one morning. He was planning with Ron how to best beat Ravenclaw in the coming match when he felt a pair of eyes staring at the back of his head. He ignored them, but the person didn't seem to look away.

"I know Ravenclaw has a great Seeker, but we have a great team, you know?" Ron asked. Harry nodded, then swiftly turned around and locked eyes with none other than Draco Malfoy.

"What is it mate?" Ron asked him. A pink tint appeared on Draco's pale cheeks before he quickly looked away.

Harry turned back to face Ron and shrugged.

"Nothing. Just thought I saw something. I must be imagining things." Ron shrugged and kept eating is bacon.

"Harry, we've got class in a bit. Let's go get our bags." Hermione said from across the table as she stood.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Ron asked through a mouthful of bacon.

"Of course not Ron. You just seem to be enjoying your breakfast far too much to interrupt you." Hermione said and Harry stifled a snigger.

"Oh shut up. I'm coming."

The trio stood and headed out of the Hall. On the way, Harry felt the pair of silver eyes return to the back of his head.


They had Herbology first, so they grabbed their gloves and headed to the greenhouses. Hannah Abbott and Ernie McMillon met them at the door.

"Hey. Do you guys want to share a trough?" Ernie asked. They nodded, relieved to not be by themselves, and walked inside.

There were several potted plants scattered all around and they chose a trough full of them. When everyone came in, Professor Sprout explained what to do.

"These are Vireta Manducans. Otherwise known as flesh plants. Keep your gloves on, otherwise the smell of human flesh makes them hungry." Everyone exchanged nervous glances.

"Don't worry. As long as you handle them properly, you'll be safe." She said reassuringly.

"There are three bottles of spray at each trough. If there are more of you than that, work quickly. Each plant has a fruit in its roots that you need to collect. They are used for treating rashes in the Hospital Wing. The spray will knock them out for just a few seconds and you can reach in and grab the fruit. Fill up your buckets and I will check on them at the end of class. Begin!"

Everyone slipped on their gloves, then tentatively picked up the spray bottles. Ron grabbed the one nearest to him and started spraying his like there was no tomorrow, Hermione was checking her guide for exactly how many times to spray it, and Harry was watching them, hoping someone would explain what to do.

When Hannah noticed he was having trouble, she handed him her spray bottle and showed him the page of the guide.

Harry nodded and smiled in thanks, then started spraying the flesh plant. It hissed, then seemed to fall asleep and Harry dug under the roots for the fruit.

It was very small and orange looking and as soon as he had pulled his hand out, the plant started snapping at him him.

The class went on like that and at the end, Professor Sprout was happy with the fruit they had collected.

"Thank you all! Have a great rest of your day!" Hufflepuffs. They're so cheery. Harry thought. Hermione pulled his arm.

"Come on. We've got Care of Magical Creatures next." She led the boys down to Hagrid's hut and they groaned when they saw the large crates on his lawn.

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